Monday, September 24, 2007

Manic Monday - Kit

This Week's Theme: Kit
MM Headquarters ~ Previous MMs

KITT, short for "Knight Industries Two Thousand"

I know there's an extra T in there, but when I saw this week's theme this car immediately popped into my head. I LOVED this show growing up. I remember Michael Knight played by David Hasselhoff very well! When I was a kid I remember playing Knight Rider in the back yard. We'd pretend KITT would save us from any given situation, just as KITT did in the show Knight Rider!

Facts you might or might not know about KITT:

*KITT was a very witty and sarcastic form of artificial intelligence. This car could actually carry on conversations with Michael.
*KITT could drive himself when Michael was otherwise engaged, keeping in contact via a wrist communicator or "comlink" (a modified LCD AM radio watch).
* KITT's Pontiac Trans AM chasis was reinforced with "Wilton Knight's revolutionary Molecular Bonded Shell" which was resistant to most weapons.
*KITT could accelerate to speeds nearly 300 mph.
*KITT was fueled by liquid hydrogen.
*KITT had the ability to print money.
*KITT's speech is reflected in a 'voice modulator' located above the customised steering wheel.
*KITT had the the ability to generate electical charge.

Now I leave you with an amazing tribute to the car KITT which I absolutely adored!

Manic Monday Participants
1. And Miles To Go...
2. Jamie
3. empress bee (of the high sea)
4. katherine.
5. Blog That Mommy!
6. Gattina
7. Desert Songbird
8. the108
9. Imma (Alice)
10. Reba
11. Amazing Gracie
12. Villager
13. Nancy Liedel
14. Lisa
15. mags
16. hana
17. AniqueAnik
18. Sanni
19. Matt-Man
20. SargeCharlie
21. Comedy Plus
22. Mary mert
23. Asara
24. Travis
25. Sherry

Learn more about Manic Monday here.

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29 comments, add yours here:

Linda said...

Brilliant! I never thought of this "Kitt"!

Anonymous said...

LOL--I guess great minds think alike :) Happy MM.

Durward Discussion said...

The 80s ladies seem to have a fondness for verbose automobiles.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

good one honey!

smiles, bee

katherine. said...

I saw this car at Universal Studios...but I never actually watched the television show....

Neila said...

My husband was a big fan of this show. When I asked him what he thought of when he heard the word Kit, this is immediately what popped out of his mouth. I, on the other hand, chose Kit Kats!

Ingrid said...

you are the second one today who reminds me of these series, lol ! And I just saw an interview with David Hazelhoff where they showed some extrays ! I liked it very much.

Desert Songbird said...

It's like deja vu all over again...

the Book of Keira said...

Great post! Happy MM!

Anonymous said...

Hi "Crazy". I also thought about KITT, and am glad I didn't do my post on that awesome car. I always try to come up with stuff no one else writes about, haha. You did a great job with this post!!!

"Hop" on over and see what it is that I did post on. :o)

Anonymous said...

WHOOF, you did a woofnderful job on this post. KITT was before this dawg's life, arf, arf.

What would a dawg write about kit? Come find out!

Amazing Gracie said...

That was an AWESOME car!!! I love stuff that goes fast and can spin the tires and leave rubber! I still want a Corvette, darn it!
Terrific post, my dear!

Unknown said...

Great MM post! I preferred the Batmobile (smile)...

I had a rough time figuring this one out, but, my MM post is up and running now.

peace, Villager

Nancy Lindquist-Liedel said...

Everyone else seems to have thought of Kitt, from Nightrider. I sat on my couch with a dumb look on my face for fifteen minutes and never came up with a decent post. I'm jealous. LOL!

Lisa Ryan said...

very cool! happy mm.

Maggie Moo said...

Ah! You did the Knight Rider thing too...Bridget did too. ;)

Happy MM!

Anonymous said...

cool entry! i still remember that

Anonymous said...

yah right..never missed any episodes then, love Kitt and david's eyes.lolz
mine is up late , hope to see you there!

Unknown said...

Me! ME! MEEEE! I. want. KITT.
Loved the "voice" and sound!

Happy MM!

Schmoop said...

Never, and I mean ever, Hassle the Hoff. Cheers!!

Sarge Charlie said...

someone else did this.......oh I am old, I am allowed to forget

Sandee said...

I so loved this car. It was awesome. Have a great MM. :)

Barbara Doduk said...

that was very clever, i used to watch that show when i was little...

Mary said...

Very cool info, I loved that show. Happy MM! :D

Carrie said...

I remember watching this show.. barely :) Loved it though! I am amazed at how little David Hasslehoff's hair has changed since these days! ;)

Travis Cody said...

The Hoff and KITT! Wooooooooooooo!

Happy MM!

Tawnya Shields said...

This brings back some awesome memories. That was when David Hasselhoff was super hot.

Dr. A said...

Great show - Great car - Great post!

Sherry Lewis said...

I thought about this Kitt, but since I never watched the show, I didn't have a whole lot to say about it :) Thanks for educating me!

Happy MM!