Home improvements or bust!
Last night when I was trying to sort out laundry, I realized that I need laundry room cabinets!! My dryer holds all of my soaps, spot removers, bleach, and fabric softener. When we moved in this house two years ago, we had big plans on what we were going to do to it. Putting a sink and some cabinets out there was one thing. But, it'd been just an idea so far. It sure would make my life a whole lot easier! Does this happen at your house too? Big ideas that stay just that...big ideas?!
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Oh yeah. We can't afford to hire someone to come do the stuff we want done and just don't ever seem to have the time or the $ to do it ourselves. Right now we are actually cutting the grass with the tractor and bushhog to save time...
Yes, this happens at our house too. It's been five years and we still haven't cemented our walkway from the side of our house to the backyard. The stones are there, but that's all. Oh well, it's just the way things are. :(
our washer&dryer are covered with diapers [new, of course, not dirty], wipes, lotions, etc etc etc. We change my daughter's diaper there [its the perfect height!], but it's just so crowded with all that junk.
yessssssssss. Drives me crazy!
I just do my laundry with a rock next to a mud puddle lol...Hey you won the drawing for the "Oger caveman gold club award" I just posted it at this link http://ogercaveman.blogspot.com/
congratulations!!!! Have a great weekend :D
I just live in an apartment with a fellow school teacher. She always wants me to do the changes... but who has time during the school year!
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