Friday's Feast #33

What is your favorite type of art? Anything my children do...AND music! :)
When was the last time you got a free lunch (or breakfast or dinner)? Who paid for it? Wednesday, Hubby bought me lunch.
On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how emotional are you? 9.5
Main Course:
Approximately how long do you spend each day responding to emails? I keep gmail open all of the time, so I spend several hours a day responding to e-mails.
To what temperature do you usually set your home’s thermostat? 72°
1. Maiylah 2. Joyce 3. Bubba\'s Sis 4. firewings 5. MeL 6. toni 7. Kara 8. Jhoaniquing | 9. damozel & the crux 10. Nita 11. Susanna 12. Rasmenia 13. Becky 14. Ginafish 15. mamichelle 16. Comedy Plus | 17. Dallas Meow 18. Matt-Man 19. Imma (Alice) 20. Reba 21. eleisia 22. Judy |
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26 comments, add yours here:
I know you used to sing in a band I was just curious to what type of music you like, some of your favorite performers. While I can't sing or play an instrument I love music and am always interested in what other people like.
hubby paid for our food last weekend, too!
... and same with gmail ... :)
wonderful feast!
happy friday!
I love music too..great feast
A most delicious feast, Miss Tish! Happy Friday!
Leaving my e-mail open all the time? That way madness lies!
Happy Friday, dear. :) I'd love to see your kid's artwork.
i like your appetizer! would like to see you kid's work. and i can't wait until my son learns how to write. great feast! happy friday!
I leave my email(s) open all the time too :)
Great feast!
great feast you got there.happy FF!
my first FF is up now.come and join me too.
Great feast! Mine is up too. Hope you can visit me! Have a great weekend ahead :)
Love you appetizer:) Happy Friday
wait a minute...doesn't everyone leave their gmail open all the time?
Great feast!
Have an excellent Friday. :)
We had almost the same appetizer
Happy Feasting.
Kid's art! Ack! That didn't even occur to me, but it's a great answer!
I love your answers!
I wish someone would take me out to eat right now!!!!
Great feast. Our apps are similar. I love music too - my two sons and dh are musicians.
I think we are both addicted to blogging and email and anything computer. Could this be so? Have a great FF Tisha. :)
Love your appetizer... my refrigerator art today comes from my grandchildren... wish I had thought of that as an answer.
Have a terrific weekend!
Bon Apetit' and have a good weekend.
Loved your feast...especially your appetizer. Awwwwwwwww, what a great answer. Happy FF.
Great feast, Crazy! I wonder if this could be called a "free lunch", haha. Have an awesome weekend!
Whoof! I like your feast. Can really relate to your Salad, arf, arf.
I don't have gmail but my computer is on all day and I spend way too much time responding to emails but that's part of my business.
Sounds like you have a very nice hubby.
Please visit my feast. I'm very late posting this week.
That's an interesting question about the thermostat. I see that a lot of folks like the temp in the low 70's.
Happy Friday! My DH pays for our meals whenever we go out, but since all our money is in one account, I didn't count that. I always have gmail open too..holler at me sometime :-)
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