Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

My 31st
The Other 30 ~ WW Headquarters

31 comments, add yours here:

Aldon Hynes said...

What a mischievous expression!

Anonymous said...

what a cutie!!

Betriska said...

Looks like trouble! :o) *LOL*
What a cutie!

Alexis Jacobs said...

What a sweet picture. He looks like a very fun little boy! Happy ww.

Deb said...

That's a pretty mischievous look on his face, LOL. Very cute! Happy WW :)

Lazy Daisy said...

What a cutie...he definitely looks like all boy.

RW said...

"I just crapped my pants"

Ingrid said...

Hahaha what a cute face !

BTW your link in Mr. Linky leads to a bible page !!

Ingrid said...

I mean on the WW post

Amazing Gracie said...

Oh, do you ever have your hands full! He is full of "spit and vinegar" (and I do hope you're familiar with that phrase!).
He's definitely a future lady killer. (BTW - we have the same purple stuff)

Anonymous said...

Looks like he's really schemeing away! Your son is going to be a little charmer.
Very cute.
Happy WW!

Shaz said...

Looks like a little man up to no good . . . .lol. But he's a man ater my own heart as he's wearing crocs . . lol He's such a cutie pie

Akelamalu said...

Oh there's michief in that face!

Carrie said...

I want to see the picture that was taken AFTER this one! :)

Andree said...

Now I wonder what he has up his sleeve!!

Unknown said...

I love Tyler´s facial expression! What happened next???

Maggie Moo said...

I with Sanni-I want to know what happened next!

What a cutie...

Happy WW!!!!!

TorAa said...

Hi young man, what are you up to?
Seems you have some secret activities in mind.

Great entry

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

Love that smile - what a cutie patootie!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

such a darling!

smiles, bee

Not So Anonymous Michelle said...

Hehe, cute! Looks like he's up to something!

Sandee said...

What a cute little man. I think he takes after his momma. That's what I think. Have a great WW Tisha. :)

Thea @ It's Me Vs. Me said...

LOL! He looks like he's getting away with something!

Mo and The Purries said...

Oh what a face.
Give him a big hug from Uncle Mo tonight.

katherine. said...

what a fun place to play....

Patois42 said...

Definitely looks like he is so up to no good.

Anonymous said...

He kind of looks like he is up to no good. LOL.

Anonymous said...

What a mischievous grin and what a cutie! LOL.

Happy WW!

Claire said...

I know that face for sure! Connor has that on his face permanently :)

Neila said...

I love it! In my house that look is usually followed by, "No Mama. I didn't do it!"

Angela said...

That's a devilish look if I every saw one!