Saturday, August 11, 2007

Saturday Photo Hunt

This Week's Theme:

Patiently waiting for Ratatouille to begin!

26 comments, add yours here:

Linda said...

So what movie were they at???

CRIZ LAI said...

What a nice row of kids. Nice shot for the theme. Happy Weekend!

Anonymous said...

what a fun night at the movies. I'm guessing Shrek 3? Yummy snacks too :)

Callie Ann said...

I love this picture and I loved the ratatoulle mouse movie.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

now that is just adorable!!!

smiles, bee

Ivÿ said...

that's a nice photo. Ratatouille is fun :)

it's my 1st time to join Photohunt!

hope you can visit! thanks. :)

have a great weekend.

Heart of Rachel said...

Hope everyone had a great time watching Ratatouille. Nice to see the kids waiting patiently for the movie to start. Yummy snacks. :)

Lynn said...

This looks fun! I enjoyed Ratatouille too!

Ingrid said...

Lol, very cute picture !

MaR said...

I want to see that film!! the pics I have seen are precious.
Happy weekend!

Amazing Gracie said...

Seeing the kids all nice and well-behaved is indeed a rare sight in this day and age! You get a big gold star!

Andree said...

What a wonderful photo for future memories! (That must've cost a fortune!! LOL)

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Very cute. :) Great photo of them all in a row!

My row photo.

Schmoop said...

Cute picture and probably a high sticky zone. Enjoy your weekend. Cheers!!

Shelby said...

I love it!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

My little guy loves going to the movies too. I'm guessing a matinee with a clan this large - here movies are far too pricey to shell out the evening price.

bonggamom said...

Such well behaved young ladies and gentlemen! Did they enjoy the movie?

Odat said...

Awwww Cute photo...

Simply Bananas said...

I can't even handle 2 kids at the movies, hats off to whoever was in charge of that.

Claire said...

My nephews want to see this too. Did Tyler sit through it OK? Connor is still a loon at 4, so doesnt really sit still!

Mom Knows Everything said...

Wow, you took FOUR kids to see a movie! You are much braver than me, my limit is two. lol

Knock knock - it's cancer! said...

That's how my kids looked , waiting for it as well :-)

Great shot.

ipanema said...

Wow, it sure was an enjoyable one. Happy Sunday! :)

Rebecca said...

You are a brave woman, my friend. The popcorn in the floor cracks me up!!! Did you say what movie that was? I look back up there and check again, maybe I missed it.

Rebecca said...

Doh...Ratatouillee. Loved that movie by the way!!!

katherine. said...

front row seats?