Thursday, June 14, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #22

Thirteen Random Things on my Mind:

1. I'm SO GLAD that my mom is okay and back home!!!
2. I am SO GLAD that we are going to go out of town this weekend.
3. I'm looking forward to my family reunion this weekend.
4. I'm excited to give hubby his new father's day gift.
5. We get to stay in a historic hotel at a historic town with hot springs.
6. Did I mention that my mom is okay and back home!?!?
7. I really love my kids and my husband A WHOLE BUNCH!
8. I realized today that I have a lot of blogging friends and lots of them mean a whole lot to me. Really, you guys do mean A LOT!
9. I am glad that I started blogging back in November 2004!
10. This is my 1385th post!
11. I am super tired from sleeping on a hospital fold out bed.
12. I've missed 2.5 days of work this week so I dread my "catch up" work.
13. After work, my family and I will be out of town until Sunday afternoon and I am SO READY! Ya'll have a great week/weekend. I'll be back around on Sunday.

22 comments, add yours here:

Anonymous said...

Happy TT!

I love historical buildings, very cool!

Anonymous said...

Happy TT!

Michelle and Mandy

Scribbit said...

1385??? That is the largest number of posts I've ever heard of. Wow. You should get a big prize or something.

Crimson Wife said...

Glad to hear your mom is okay, you must be so relieved!

Happy TT!

Ingrid said...

You seem to have a very positive thursday !

JHS said...

Very glad to hear your mom is ok. Enjoy the weekend . . . relax! :-)

Robin said...

I'm so glad your mom is alright. Now you can relax and enjoy that weekend.

Anonymous said...

1385 posts?? Holy cow woman! :-)

SO SO SO glad to hear your Mom is fine! What a load off your mind eh?

Have a fantastic weekend!

Unknown said...

Aaaaaah! Can you hear my relief?!
I´m so glad your Mom is fine.

We´re back on dial-up (or less) at present, so I read your posting about her in my feedreader only. Of course we all kept her in our thoughts and prayers!

Best regards to your mom...
... and: Have fun out of town. Can´t wait to see your hubby´s gift. There will be a picture, huh? Pleeeeease, say "Yes!" ;)

Becky L said...

eek! fathers day! i need to really get on the ball with that. I havent gotten anything yet for Hubby.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

wonderful news about your mom! and have a great trip honey!

smiles, bee

Sandee said...

Not participating in TT. Have a wonderful time and unwind from the stresses of this week. See you Sunday when you return. :)

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Hope you enjoy your family reunion.

Anonymous said...

So glad your Mom is doing better. Very happy for you.

Constance said...

Happy Thursday, CWM !

Special K ~Toni said...

Glad to hear your mom is well! Happy T13!

katherine. said...

Praise God you Mom is well and home!

Stephanie said...

So glad to hear that your mom is doing better.

Linda said...

You have no idea how much I envy you and your family your vacation and stay in a historic hotel! That just sounds like bliss to me!

I'm also glad that you don't have to go on vacation worrying about your Mom the whole time. I hope that everything turns out well for her!

And you mean a lot to us, too! Or at least to me, I won't speak for everyone else but I'm sure they feel the same!

Amy Ruttan said...

Have a great weekend! Happy TT and thanks for dropping by mine.

Tawnya Shields said...

It is good to see you are in better spirits. I am sure you are very grateful. I see it in your words.

Have a great weekend.

Travis Cody said...

YAY for your mom! Glad to hear she's better.