Monday, June 18, 2007

Manic Monday #19

This Week's Theme: Heat

What better way to cool off on during the HEAT of a hot summer's day than a scoop of ice cream in a yummy chocolate coated wafer cone?! While on vacation, we made a stop at a little ice cream shop that makes fresh candy daily and induluged in their Blue Bell ice cream. Tyler and I had strawberry cheesecake, Brien had cake batter flavored, and Shelby had strawberry. Yummy! They were all so delicious and we cooled off a bit in the shop before hitting the HEAT of the streets again while shopping.
If you're playing along this week with Morgen's Manic Monday,
please don't forget to sign Mr Linky then head on over to the
MM Headquarters and see what our fearless leader has in store at
It's A Blog Eat Blog World.
Have a great Monday ya'll!

24 comments, add yours here:

Anonymous said...

what better way to bet the heat? Awesome photos!! Happy MM.

Ingrid said...

Indeed an ice cream when it's very hot is delicious !

Amazing Gracie said...

My photo isn't up yet but will be by morning...
You all look refreshed and that ice cream looks lip-smacking good!
Glad you had some time off and made it back safely!

Shaz said...

Fab way to kick the ass outta heat. That place looks like my kinda heaven. Pleased you had a good time x x x

Callie Ann said...

Love Ice Cream. Safety Note: Don't drive down the road with the air conditioning blaring on you. Makes your ice cream melt way faster and what a mess you have. Amazing true story.

Miss Blogger said...

I love ice creams! Especially the one with pistacchio nuts with it :)

Happy Manic Monday!

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

I see I managed to leave 2 links with Mr. Linky... sorry 'bout that. Having "issues" with this computer and it's doing funny things as well as freezing.

Great post anyway. :o)

I have no grog
To drink on my blog
But won’t it be neat
To read about heat?
See you there.

Reba said...

Wooofff... arf, arf... droool... I loves ice cream!

I’m a puppy dog
With my own blog.
Bring me a treat
And we’ll talk about heat.
Come visit.

Anonymous said...

like to combine mint and strawberry in my cone.

happy MM!

Claire said...

You are looking great Tish! and kids look as gorgeous as ever.

Carrie said...

Oohh, that looks yummy! :)

Glad you had a good vacation, looking forward to all the pictures!!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh yum! how fun was that? good slide show honey!

smiles, bee

Stephanie said...

Well are you gonna share?????

Mo and The Purries said...

Shelby's Pictures: Priceless!
You need to print some of these expressions!!!

Sandee said...

What a great way to beat the heat. Hubby and I did the same thing yesterday. It was wonderful. Happy MM. :)

Anonymous said...

Mmmm... Ice cream. Have you tasted Blue Bell's "Century Sundae" flavor... to die for.

If you have the time, check out Hairband Idol at Gabbatha!

Shelby said...

OOOOOOOo vacation at the Arlington - sounds fabulous! My parents went there a couple years ago. Did you get the "bath"?

My mom always talks about that.

Neila said...

Yum-o! I love Blue Bell ice cream! We just went out last night to Ben & Jerry's for ice cream! I celebrated with some Coffee Coffee Buzz Buzz Buzz ice cream!

Tawnya Shields said...

Ice cream is one of my vices. My favorite is blackberry. Okay, actually I love them all.

I see your children love ice cream too. They are adorable.

katherine. said...

One time at BaskinRobbins one of my kids ordered and I said, "Why are you getting that flavor???"

And she said:

"Cause I know you don't like it and you won't want some"

(It's sad when they grow up)

Kendra said...

ice cream would hit the spot right now as it's still 90 degrees at 6:30pm here in southern cali!!!

Travis Cody said...

Yup - ice cream is definitely the ticket.

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

Can't beat good ol' Blue Bell ice cream!

Unknown said...

Aaaaaah! Strawberry Cheesecake <3! Aaaaaah! Yummy... Off to Ben&Jerry´s =) Aaaaaah! Close! Off to the next gas station selling Ben&Jerry´s... okay, that´s about 18 miles away... but it´s worthy to drive to the station now. I´d even walk ;)