Thursday, May 17, 2007

Unbelievable!! (and reflections)

Doctors in Galveston, Texas plan to do cat scans on the Arkansas baby who was apparently burned in a microwave there.
Police say the baby's father, 19-year-old Joshua Mauldin, confessed to putting his daughter in the microwave at a hotel last week.
Doctors say they need to know if the baby suffered internal injuries in addition to the third-degree burns on her skin.
The family had moved from Warren, Ark., to Galveston so Mauldin could become a minister. He is charged with injury to a child and being held on a $250,000 bond.

I heard this story on the news this morning and all day it has weighed heavily on my mind. I attended (along with my husband and his parents) a ceremony at my daughter's preschool. They had a graduation for the children who will be attending kindergarten next year. For those children (like my daughter) who will attend one more year they got a "certificate of participation". She was sour faced and cried during a big part of the proceedings. I talked to her afterward and she said she was scared "Cause all of those people were looking" at her. I chuckled and explained to her that those people were there to see their children (her friends) get an award just like we were there to see her get one. I thought on the way back to work at all of the trials and tribulations that my little one will go through in her lifetime. I cried to think that some day we will think back on this day and it will seem "small". I worry about so many things with my children. Tonight my daughter was just sassy all night. She spilled her dinner. Her father nor myself made a big deal about it. We just told her that it was her responsibility to clean it up. She was mad b/c she said we made her spill was our fault b/c we didn't push her close enough to the table. She got upset and said she didn't want to eat any dinner. I ended up bathing her and putting her to bed early. She was upset and said that she didn't like it when mommy and daddy were "mad" at her. We explained to her that we were not mad at her but that she had to learn to respect us and that she could not talk back to us or sass. She was sad and so were we. I was sad b/c I worry that I am too hard on her. I worry that I snap to judge too quickly...not necessarily in this instance, but there are times in the mornings when I am running late and they wake up grouchy etc. Then I see stories like this come across the news and I think to myself WHY would someone do this!? HOW could this happen? How could a person take a baby, a small and innocent little life and just throw it away!?! How could you justify this? How could you punish this person? Is there any punishment that would reflect the severity of this crime!? I cannot imagine that we live in a society with such animals, but even worse that such animals have children...innocence and purity!

7 comments, add yours here:

Alexis Jacobs said...

This world is full of sick sick people.

Kim said...

Amen! I think that you summed it all up for all of us. Thanks for posting this. It gave me a reminder of how precious my son is to me. Not that I need reminding but it is nice to have it out there right in front of you to read. Black and white.

Lady G~ said...

It's sad to see things like this happen. So many want children and can't have one. So many have children and don't care for them. Breaks my heart...

Erin Faye said...

I just can't believe there are people out there that could do this! Sick!

Anonymous said...

How in the world could someone do that, I'll never know.

crpitt said...

What a disgusting Moron!

You on the other hand warm the cockles of my heart, with your heart felt dilemmas on how you bring your kids up.

I know the bloggers awards are a light hearted thing, but i am made up i nominated you for the award as posts like this remind me why you deserve it so much! :)

Linda said...

Unfortunately I have learned through my years as a 911 operator that there are some truly sick people in the world who do some atrocious things to the most innocent of people. Stories like this make me sick to my stomach and I just can't fathom what would make a person do such a thing.