Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

My 13th


If you are participating in this week's Wordless Wednesday
please don't forget to sign Mr Linky and head on over
to the WW headquarters and sign there as well.

34 comments, add yours here:

Crazy Working Mom said...

I took this picture this evening as storms were moving in. This is the view from my front porch. Thank goodness the storms didn't get too bad here.

Anonymous said...

That is just an awesome picture! Beautiful!

TeaMouse said...

I love that picture, it looks a little ominous - makes me long for the TS that will come.

on the Rock said...


Ingrid said...

Very romantic shot !

What do you mean you go to bed ! I just got up ! lol !

Gene Bach said...

Great shot. Stay away from the funnel clouds! LOL!

Clickin Mama J said...

Beautiful pic! Happy WW.

An Ordinary Mom said...



Beautiful shot. Mine's up too.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

So much energy in this shot.

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful! It reminds me of a postcard.


Amazing Gracie said...

I love storms. I was in your part of the world for some thunderstorms! They were unlike anything I'd ever experienced out here...loved it.

Danielle said...

So very beautiful
Happy WW and enjoy the day.

Lazy Daisy said...

Oh Wow, What an amazing picture. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

It looks like a ray of hope.

What a pretty picture!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

nature is a wonder all right...

smiles, bee

~*Kelli BoBelli*~ said...


Mags said...

Oh, that's breathtaking!

Wonderful choice, and good shot...

Anonymous said...

Very nice!

maiylah said...

a storm!
... looks so calm! glad to know storm wasn't so bad.
love the composition. :)

Mo and The Purries said...

very cool
I love storm pictures
ours hit about 11pm last night, long after dark -- mostly just very very strong winds and some sleet

snow today
(yesterday was 72 degrees - right now, it's 33 and snowing!!!!)

Heart of Rachel said...

Hi Tisha. It's a lovely photo and looks very tranquil. I wouldn't have realized that a storm was coming if you didn't mention it.

Durward Discussion said...

That is jig saw puzzle beautiful

Rebecca said...

Beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
Happy WW.

Patois42 said...

I want to see that view!

Sandee said...

It may have been a storm coming in, but it is simply beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous shot!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. I love the picture.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! :-)
Happy WW!

Pfingston said...


Linda said...

What a great picture! You should submit it over at Fuel My Blog where they are having a "view from my front window" photo contest. I'd vote for this picture in a New York minute!

Claire said...

From your front porch! thats gorgeous.
I would love to see a picture of your porch, do you sit out on it much?

The Minute Man: Colin Chang said...

The calm before the storm. Beautiful shot.

Wordless Wednesday Guess-It's answer is out. Go check out if you're one of this week's winners!