Sunday, April 22, 2007

"Real Moms" Meme

My good blogging friend, Linda from the famous Are We There Yet tagged me with this meme over a week ago and truthfully I had forgotten about it until I saw it on someone else's site. So, now I'm going to take a stab at it. I will not be tagging anyone else b/c I think that by now most everyone has already done it (when they were tagged). So, here goes:
- Real Moms are just as excited as their children about seeing a Disney on Ice production!

- Real Moms know how to cup their hands just right so they can catch the optimal amount of vomit from their little ones.

- Real Moms cry for no reasons b/c they love their children.

- Real Moms wake up and for no reason at all check to make sure their children are breathing!

- Real Moms never get a good night's sleep, NEVER!

- Real Moms play in the dirt with their kids or dance in the rain.

- Real Moms listen to the same songs OVER and OVER again b/c it's their child's favorite and that's all they want to hear.

- Real Moms watch Disney & Nick Jr because the news shows horrible images of deranged men shooting up schools and other horrible things!

- Real Moms say it's okay...even when it's not!

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