Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The joy!

I got to see my new little niece yesterday right by the nursery window! I stopped by the hospital on my way home. My sister was in there feeding her with a bottle for the first time. She has been eating from a syringe & feeding tube. Well, Theresa had laid her down and she unbundled her and brought her over to the window. It was so amazing to see her up close for the first time. She is so pretty. She is absolutely perfect! I just cried and cried. There were some folks looking in the window at another baby and they asked if she was mine. I said, no she is my niece but she is a week old today and this is the closest that I have gotten to her in a week! So, it was an amazing experience.
When my other sister had her little girl, I got to be in the room with her. There were no complications during labor or delivery, so she got to hold her baby and we all got to pass her around after they did the normal cleaning, testing, etc.
With this one, it has been really tough on me not to be able to go in there and at least give her a little kiss on her forehead or anything! We have had no physical contact with her what so ever!! Our family is really close, and that has been hard on us all. Mom has got to go in there with her, as well as the other Grandma. But, that is all that they will allow in there. How unfair is that?!
Heh...I know, you say I'm being selfish. She is there because she needs to be in a safe, sterile environment. I can deal. Hopefully by the end of the week I will get to hold her! I'm countin' down the minutes.
David, to answer your question they say she might get to come in the room and spend the night with her mommy and daddy on Wednesday. So, if she does I will possibly get to hold her then.
She will have to go home on a heart monitor and oxygen monitor. The doc said yesterday that she could possibly be on it until she is 6 months or better. So, we'll see.

2 comments, add yours here:

Anonymous said...

Awwwww!Im so happy you got to see her up close. I know you cant wait to get your hands on her. Hopefully soon! Its so great to hear that she is doing so much better :)

David said...

Well that is great news indeed!! I bet you were excited to get to see her so close. I bet she is so beautiful. Glad to hear she is doing so well!