Tyler's Birthday Party
A great time was had by all on Saturday for Tyler's Pirate Pool Party in celebration of his 5th birthday! Of course the cake was made by my fabulous mother-in-law. It was pirate, and when they carried it in the house, I realized that she must have used one of the kids as a model for the cake. It spanned the width of my kitchen table!!! She said that once she started it just kept getting bigger and bigger. I think that easily happens when making a salad or Thanksgiving dinner plate, but a cake?! Anyhow, we did not have enough guests to consume this monstrous cake but it made for a great conversation piece and will forever remain on our minds as the most "awesomest" cake EVER!
The kids had a great time with their pirate attire. Instead of party hats and blow outs, we purchased bandannas and eye patches.
Of course there was lots of swimming on the agenda but we also had a fun time whacking the pinata. I was a casualty of standing a bit too close when it burst open, a pack of sweet tarts popped open and hit me, but it made for a great "action shot"!
Tyler got lots of awesome gifts, like a new beta fish and tank. Of course this came from the uncle who always brings something to feed for every occasion. Remember the dreaded baby chicks from Easter?!
He got a Nintendo DS that he'd been asking for and was very excited about that.
He also ended up with $40 that he spent yesterday on handcuffs, (another!) play gun, and a truck and trailer with some sort of construction equipment on the back, a trackhoe, backhoe, or something of the sort.
All in all he had a wonderful time. We didn't have as many guests as we normally do, which I'm sure might have had something to do with the 110+° temps but we still had a beautiful time! Thanks to those of you who braved the heat and celebrated his special occasion.
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