Fall is on it's way!
Temperatures this morning were in the 60s when we went outside to load up and head to school, daycare, and work! It is absolutely beautiful today!!! In fact, the rest of the week is looking to be awesome! I am so ready for fall. Not only for the cooler temperatures, but the fun things you get to do in the fall. It is one of my favorite times of the year.
There's beautiful, changing scenery with vibrant colors, pumpkin carving, Fall Festivals, big piles of leaves to jump in, apple pie, pumpkin pie, turkey and dressing!!! What is your favorite thing about fall?! Do you like to see it come or would you rather see it go?!
I am so blessed to live in this beautiful world created by the master whom I love. His miracles never cease to amaze me and I am forever grateful for his power and mercy!
5 comments, add yours here:
Fall is my favorite time of year too and out temps are starting to fall too. I think I'm in the bestest mood during those cooler months.
I think the break in the MISERABLY HOT weather puts us all in better moods! Hubby and Tyler are itching to go deer hunting already. It's a peaceful time for me. ;)
We've had one of the coolest summers ever. The last two days it's been really hot, but by the weekend we'll be in the 70s. Unbelievable.
What I like about fall is the bay cruise and Thanksgiving. Both are great times of the year.
Great to see you again. Have a terrific day. Big hug. :)
I just told my office partner that I was gonna admit something to her I never thought I'd hear myself say, but... I'm ready for this summer to be over! That's crazy for me, cuz I normally LOVE summer. However, this summer, it has either been pouring down rain and flooding, or it has been so miserably hot you can't stand to be outside. There's been no enjoyment to this summer! *sigh*
Sandee has had one of the coolest summers ever and we've had one of the hottest up here in Connecticut. Like yourself I am more than ready for it to be done and over with as I love the fall the bestest! What I don't love is that it seems to go by so very quickly and before you know it, it's too cold!
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