Monday, July 12, 2010

Friday Night Ignite

If you weren't there, you surely missed a blessing!  What a fun time we had at Crosby Baptist Church's First Friday Night Ignite. There were 38 people there and this was just the first night, with only a week's worth of planning.  Friday Night Ignite is a contemporary Christian worship service for anyone who is waiting to receive a blessing!  Crosby Baptist Church in Searcy, Arkansas will be hosting this event for the remainder of the summer on Friday nights at 7pm.  Friday Night Ignite was created to spread the fire started by the youth at church camp.  We want to spread this fire not only to our church members, but to yours as well!!

Randy Morris was a great speaker and brought an awesome message.  The newly formed Praise and Worship team did an awesome job leading us in some moving songs.  It's great to be able to worship the lord through song and feel the holy spirit moving through the place as the beautiful lyrics flow!  Refreshments were served afterward and I am certain that everyone that attended can say they truly left feeling blessed.

I hope that those of you reading this who live close enough will join us this Friday, July 16 at 7pm for the next installment.  Bobby Shawn will be bringing a devotional message and since Randy and his family will be out of town, I will be helping out with the praise and worship team.  I am looking forward to this and I hope to see my friends and family there who I know will be reading this post.  I won't call you out, but you know who you are!!!  If you need a ride, give me a call.

If you're so inclined, Sunday morning I will also be singing a special so come back and visit us Sunday morning.  Worship starts at 10:45! 

6 comments, add yours here:

Kelly said...

Tisha, Are you from Searcy? I am!! That is so cool!! I love your blog!!

Becca / SingleWhiteDiabetic said...

I need a ride. :)

Crazy Working Mom said...

Kelly, I am from Cabot but have lived in Searcy for the last 13 years or so. :)

Bec, you crack my stuff up! Be there in a few days. *LOL*

dizi izle said...

very nice blog! ;)

Crazy Working Mom said...

Thanks, Dizi!

Crazy Working Mom said...

Thanks, Dizi!