Monday, May 03, 2010

Race For The Cure

I am putting a team together for the October 16th Susan G Komen Race For The Cure.  This will be my first time to be a team captain and I am very excited.  I am getting an overwhelming response for team members.  I have been fortunate enough to be getting a team outfitted in shirts by the awesome folks at Hanes!  I need to come up with a name for my team.  This is why I am posting.  I need your help!!  The team will be comprised of mothers, daughters, friends, family, teachers, students, etc.  It's a variety of folks all coming together for a great cause. 

3 comments, add yours here:

LAC said...

Black's Boobie Racers... hahaha. J/K

It's a tough job to come up with a unique, catchy name. We have Pounding the Pavement for Paige, it's a mouthful.

I think its an absolutely amazing thing your doing. Having just attended my very first walk on Saturday (Great Strides for CF), I am in awe of all the hard work and time that it takes to put these things together.

Good luck, and I will keep thinking of name ideas for you today.

I was trying to find something with Arkansas and an alliteration of some sort, but nothing comes to mind except Arkansas Alligators and that won't do.

Amanda said...

How about "CrAzY For a Cure"? Or some iteration of that...Crazy Moms For a Cure, Crazies for a Cure. Hahahaha!!!

Crazy Working Mom said...

Amanda, THAT is exactly the name I had thought of. But, I didn't know how it would fly! I'm glad you mentioned it. :)

It's definitely a possibility.