Emily's body is covered in a rash. She was crying last night and scratching around her diaper area, so apparently not only does it look bad but it feels bad as well. Our regular pediatrician was out of the office, so we saw another who was in the office. His first question when he saw the rash was, What antibiotic did she just finish? Before I could answer he replied to himself, "Let me guess, penicillin. I laughed and said yes. He said that her rash was a classic allergic reaction to the antibiotic. The fact that her father and I are both allergic to the same drug is further indication that it is for sure the culprit. The good news is that she is NOT contagious. The bad news is that she will get worse before she gets better and there aren't any topical ointments that can help. The doctor said that Benadryl might help the redness and itchiness. Hopefully I have a bottle that was not recalled!
Apparently She's Allergic
8 comments, add yours here:
So sorry she is going through that. I am allergic to it too and it was discovered when I was a child. Yes benedryl definitely helps and possibly a little calamine lotion...or cortizone cream for topical relief. Good luck.
I just wonder who you saw?? They should have given her a steroid shot. It would have taken care of everything and fast!!
oh poor baby!
A couple of drops of actual Tea Tree essential oil in a shallow bath will help it on the outside. But since it's coming from the inside out, then the itch is going to be too deep to really satisfy. Benedryl on the inside, soothing tea tree bath on the outside. Prayin for Em! ~Jena
Poor Ems!! Hopefully it doesn't last too long. Give her a kiss for me.
I'm sorry to hear about your daughter's case. I hope she get well soon.
I hope she gets well soon.
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