Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Not a Goodbye. Just a See Ya Later

Yes, we are all still very much alive at the house of CrAziness. It seems like more and more these days my time is consumed with homework, laundry, cooking, etc. There is less time for me to be online and to be quite honest, less inclination. Don't get me wrong, I love the relationships that I've built with my online friends, but it does take away from my family when I am online. Whether it be reciprocating visits to my blog, posting product reviews, hosting contests, Tweeting, or Facebooking the obligations are endless. All of this tethers me to a computer during the day in addition to my job. It is tiring just thinking about all it.

As a family, we are trying to become closer to one another and closer to God. We're going back to church. We had gotten out of the habit. It's so easy to do. You have little ones and you worry that they will be disruptive in church so you stay home and then a few weeks turn into a few months and then before you know it you are not going to church anymore. You enjoy the sleeping in time that may occur. My husband and I were both feeling a tremendous burden of guilt for not being in church with our children. Our marriage was suffering and we felt that our business was doing the same. We had gotten away from God and our lives were reflecting that. Now that we are back in church, our faith in one another is stronger, our commitment to our children is greater, and our love of God is once again a strong foundation for our family! Brien has quit smoking by the Grace of God and we are standing behind him on this. Please add him to your prayer list that he will stay on track. He's 9 days strong so far.

I am reminded daily what a smart woman, Ms Bee once said in a comment...I am not about to go trying to look that one up 'cause she's left thousands of comments on this blog. But, she told me that when the kids are grown they will not remember whether or not the house was messy, only the moments in it. So, I try to reflect on that each day and not stress over the dirty floors, sink full of dirty sippy cups, and of course Mt St Laundry!

Life is all about prioritizing and so it seems that CrAzY Working Mom, Facebook, Twitter, and all of the responsibilities that come with it have taken a back burner to what matters most to me, my family and my God. What I am trying to say is that for now, I will probably still be posting sporadically here, I will do my best to at least get McLinky (or whatever he is calling it these days) up for you Looking @ The Sky on Friday participants. I won't promise a photo, but I'll do my best. I still have some product reviews/obligations to do, but they will be far and few between in the near future. The weather is beautiful, and my kids are only going to be young once. I am going to take the time to be nearer to them and enjoy their company instead of telling them, as they've heard so many times, "Just one more minute. I'm almost done, I HAVE to get this post finished." There are a few of you who still visit me when you have the chance even though I don't do the same. Thank you for that. Please know that I still love each and every one of you who I've built such strong bonds with and this is by NO means a good bye, just a pause. I must do what I feel in my heart and right not, my heart is telling me to concentrate on my family. I will still be online, just not with such conviction and commitment as before. Who knows, maybe some day I will be. But, for now there's just not enough time.

17 comments, add yours here:

Jen@925frugal said...

Congratulations! I took a six year "pause" when my babies were little. It was the best thing I have ever done.
We will be here when you are able to visit and thinking good thoughts for you when you aren't.


Maggie Moo said...

It's a good decision dear Tisha. If I had a family, I'd be right there with ya. Good luck-I'll miss reading your posts but will be here when you return.

Lots of love...

desert songbird said...

Don't apologize for keeping true to your values. Every mother struggles with balancing her schedule; there are times it tips in one direction, and times when it tips in the other. Constantly reassessing your priorities means you are doing the right thing: staying in touch with what needs to be done when it needs to be done. Good luck!

Sandee said...

Take care of your family and most importantly you. You will find you are much happier. I'll miss you too, but I so understand.

Have a terrific day sweetie. Big hug and lotsa lovies. :)

Deb said...

I've struggled with the same thing (and continue to do so) - it's so hard to find that right balance. Good for you! Will be here whenever you are ready to come back. :)

Anonymous said...

Hugs, just because... we'll see ya when we see ya...

Anonymous said...

If I had kids I doubt I'd be blogging at all. So much to show them, do with them and teach them... and so little time. They grow up before you can blink. I'd be a Mom every waking moment!

Be blessed, Tisha!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i know you are making the right decision, just peek in once in a while so we can see you, k??? a photo of the little ones once a month maybe? and have FUN!!!!!

smiles, and love! bee

Linda said...

I have to agree with everyone else that family comes first. Blogging can be a very rewarding experience but it's also a very time-consuming experience and time is something you can't get back. That time should be devoted to your family and to your relationship with God if those are your priorities.

We'll miss you but I'm sure you won't be gone forever, right??

bcmomtoo said...

You have to do what's right for you and your family. Those kids will not stay little forever, and before you know it they'd rather do stuff with their friends and then they'll be ready to move out, and ....

So definitely enjoy every moment!

Akelamalu said...

Your family are definitely the priority - enjoy. :)

LAC said...

Congratulations! I have to say I often feel like it's an addiction. Blogging, Facebook, the games, email, flickr, etc. I try to keep it away but it doesn't happen. If I didn't work in an office daily that allowed me the time to do those things, I would so make the same decision you have. If I was home with my baby all day, I would devote my time to her. As it is, I am stuck at work all day, and feel like my computer time isn't taking away from my time with her. I hardly ever go online after 3pm when I get home. I will miss you, the Tylerisms, the lessens I have learned from you about motherhood. But guess what... you just taught me another! Thank you, big hugs!

@Dayngr said...

Don't you worry, we'll be here. You go and enjoy your family and make beautiful, wonderful memories.

Ralph said...

You need to watch your children grow as they are still young. Ours are 21 and 19 and I remember them as they grew - the greater focus on them is truly a wonderful thing. It is easy to get totally wrapped up in bligging, etc. You have the right focus, the Lord and your family.

Grandma said...

Your children are young for such a short time and that time is too precious to be missed. Enjoy this special time with your family, blogland will be here for many more years.

Ruby said...

it seems that we all have busy days now...blogging, laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, facebook, garden...what else....I need time to relax...lol! I believed you can do it! take care too!

Twisted Cinderella said...

I understand. I will miss you, but I do understand. ((hugs))