Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Something's Missing!!!!

At 5 years old, Tyler lost his first tooth today, 1-11-11!!!

It has been loose for a couple of weeks now and over the weekend he was scared anytime that he ate something that he'd lose it. He worried that when he slept that it would fall out and he would swallow it. This morning you could see that it was almost hanging out. There was already another tooth visible behind it. This presented a bit of a problem for me because the thought of pulling a tooth makes me nauseous. I just don't do well in that department. In fact, I don't even like to see a loose tooth, much less touch it!!

I knew that Tyler needed that tooth out of his mouth, so I "Momed" up and washed my hands, grabbed a paper towel and proceeded to pull his tooth. So, as he lost his very first tooth, I also pulled my very first tooth. But, I can't really say I "pulled" it. I grabbed a hold of it and it pretty much fell out in my hand.

He got an instant grin on his face and then ran to his room and said he didn't feel good. He said he felt sick to his stomach. The poor little guy seems to have the same weakness as his mom. But, in no time he was back up and playing again and I convinced him to let me snap a photo to share with the world! My "baby" boy is losing his baby teeth...thus growing up. *sigh*

Oh, and he does NOT believe in the tooth fairy. He says that it is Mom and Dad and he knows that we will leave him money whether or not he believes in the tooth fairy! So, we'll have to see how the TF feels about this one...

2 comments, add yours here:

Annie said...

What a great post! You're braver than I am! Your son is so adorable!

Amazing Gracie said...

How cute!!! He's a smart guy,too. No tooth fairies for this young'un!