Bethleham and Main - A Christmas Play
I just wanted to take a minute and invite all of my local readers to the Christmas play at our church. Crosby Baptist Church will be holding two performances of Bethleham and Main - A Christmas Play on Saturday, December 18, 2010 and Sunday December 19, 2010. Performance times are 7pm on Saturday night and 6pm on Sunday night. If you need a ride or directions, please feel free to leave a comment, e-mail, or message me (via FB or text). I will gladly make sure that you can get to one of the performances. Shelby, Tyler, and myself are all taking part in the play. So, we hope that you can come out and receive a blessing! Thanks to our play director, Charity Morris for all of her hard work on this production! It is coming together so nicely and I know she has been under a lot of stress but these kids are working hard and they will knock your socks off on performance night, I just know it!!! I can't wait.

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