This was the view from my back yard this morning as the sun was rising! It was a beautiful morning with a bit of an overcast sky creeping in, so I was glad to be able to capture this image. It's getting to the time of the year where the weather is pleasant and one can stand to be outside and snap photographs! I am getting excited about fall! Hope you are too. Can't wait to see what you all come up with for your LATSOF entries!
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Looking @ The Sky on Friday
13 comments, add yours here:
A pretty morning set of clouds at the wakeup. Purple, orange, pink - all soothing colors as we start the day!
Yes, the humidity will depart for the weekend, and it will be more of a pleasure to not bake (or is it broil) outside...
That photo is beautiful! I'd love to wake up to a morning that pretty!
That's a gorgeous view to see first thing in the day!
Dawn does up her hair,
all those red ringlets, and says,
“Now you can kiss me.”
I love sunrises! Since the sun rises earlier in the summer, I don't get to see them - because I'm certainly not going to rise earlier! So, yeah, I'm looking forward to Fall, the cooler temps and the sunrises.
Very beautiful hues!
Fantastic shot! lovely pastel colors!
What a beautiful sunrise! I am looking forward to the cooler weather, too!
Such a beautiful start to the day...lovely picture! I too, am so glad for the cooler weather and the smell of autumn in the air. It will soon be time for Halloween and Harvest moons..my favourite things!
Gorgeous sunrise! Love the soft colour.Great capture.
i love the color combination:)
sunrise, sunset, a mom's work is never done... Glad you aught that one.
One of these days, I'm actually going to get up early enough to get some pictures of the sunrise ... maybe!
I'm so looking forward to cooler weather, I just hope that we don't get one of those out of summer and boom right into winter kind of falls again, though. It's my favorite time of year, I don't want to get gypped out of it!
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