It's Time to Color Easter Eggs!

When coloring Easter Eggs, it's best to do it
We tried: PAAS' Mini-Monster decorating kit. The kit contains pipe cleaners, fun stickers and fuzzy hair along with the traditional coloring tablets.
A Tie Dye Egg Coloring Kit that contains 5 liquid color packets, 6 color droppers, 6 coloring bags, 1 work station/coloring palette and 6 egg stands.
Dudley's Coloring Cups containing 5 coloring Cups, 1 "magic" crayon, 5 coloring tablets, and one egg dipper.
Dudley's Tattoo Fun which contains 38 tattoos, 1 applicator, 9 paper egg stands, 5 coloring tablets, and 1 egg dipper.
Spin an Egg Egg Coloring Kit with 1 Egg Spinner, 1 Hand Puppet, 1 Filler Egg, 10 Color Packets

The Tie Dye Kits are a very neat idea, in theory. I think that for younger children, it is NOT a good idea. First of all, you have to squeeze the colors out of the packets onto a work station/color palette. You put the egg in a plastic bag and then squeeze the color up into a color dropper and squeeze it onto the egg. The next step is to rub the plastic bag over the egg to achieve a multi-colored tie dye look. I feel like this would be enjoyable for parents of older children, tweens/teens who still enjoy coloring eggs or doing so with younger siblings, etc.

Shelby loved the Tattoo Kit. Both of my kids love to apply tattoos on themselves and when given the opportunity to do so on their Easter Eggs, it was quite fun! The application is a bit tricky being that the eggs are, well...egg shaped! Ba-da-dum! You simply put the tattoo over the egg and use the applicator to press the tattoo onto the egg. Once applied to the egg, it really does look as though the picture was painted on the egg!
The Pass Mini-Monster Kit was also a cute idea. The stickers were quite small and seemed to be a bit difficult for my children to remove, but they loved making egg faces. The adhesive didn't seem to stick very well either, so we had a hard time getting the hair and pipe cleaners to stick to it. But even without those, the stickers were fun to make the faces.
The coloring cups are a nice thing to have because the cups are re-useable. We've managed to obtain several of them over the last few years, so if you need a few give me a shout! We've also got a lifetime supply of egg dippers in a variety of shapes and sizes. No matter how you plan on decorating eggs for this holiday, just remember the reason for the holiday! Have fun and enjoy your time with the kiddos. Take lots of pictures because some day you will look back on these days and miss them!!
Of course if you don't want to invest the money in a kit, you can pull out the food coloring, a white crayon, and a spoon. It works just as well. But, as mentioned above, remember that the food coloring tends to stain the hands a bit easier than the tablets. A trick we've learned is that you can use baking soda to remove some of the excess color.
5 comments, add yours here:
Who knew there were so many cool options for dying eggs these days. I cannot remember the last time I did it, though I love experimenting with different methods. Good luck on the show today, you'll do great.
Fun, fun, fun! Who cares how long the stain lasts as long as they fun!
i remember the way that stuff smelled so many years ago. i wonder if it still has that smell? they are so cute!
smiles, bee
The mini monster egg is so funny - I bet the kids loved that didn't they?
What a neat contraption that is! I wonder if I can find that here. I'm excited to color eggs tomorrow. We do it every year, even before Rye Bread was alive. :)
Do you get recognized out and about now?
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