Sunday, March 14, 2010

Have You Filled Out The Census?

I've seen these commercials on television and think they are pretty funny. I have filled my census out and mailed it back already. I know that a lot of people refuse to do so for many different reasons: they are a waste of time, the government already knows this information, and the list goes on and on. All you are required to fill out is the number of residents in your home. What are your feelings on the Census?  Have you already filled out your census?  Do you plan on doing so?

Please note: This post was made possible by the folks over at Business2Blogger. I was given $15 from the sponsor to embed this video and write a few words about the Census. The opinions stated above that are my own and have not been influenced by any outside source.  To read my full disclosure policy, click here.

9 comments, add yours here:

Sandee said...

We haven't even received ours yet.

Have a terrific day. Big hug. :)

Durward Discussion said...

Just received the notice that it was on the way. I will absolutely fill it out. Anyone who does genealogy knows how important it is to history. 75 years from now some ancestor of yours is going to be on pins and needles waiting to learn about this era.

Remember: History not recorded is history lost and the most important history is not that of the movers and shakers, but rather the lives of ordinary people.

bcmomtoo said...

We got the letter telling us the Census was coming - as if we needed a letter considering the commercials are everywhere. There are even reminders of the Census in some of the store ads I got in my Sunday paper. Haven't received the actual Census yet, though.

Travis Cody said...

Got my reminder...waiting for my form.

Patois42 said...

I was hoping to start a movement as follows: get health care reform done and you can have my completed census form.

Amanda said...

I will fill it out when it arrives. However, I have some beefs with the government for wasting tax money to mail me a notice to tell me it was coming. DUH!

Kathy Lowrey said...

Had mine hand delivered. But it asks who's living in the house on APRIL 1st. so I can't send it in just yet.

Who knows, One of us may pass away or run away. We may take in a boarder or decide to have another child. SCRATCH THAT!!! BAD KATHY!!

I may say nobody lives here and then write APRIL FOOLS on it LOL!!

Oh the possibilities are endless so I suppose I shall wait and see.

Unknown said...

Haven't gotten the actual paperwork yet but will fill it out when it gets here. Hubby has issues with it, which I do not understand but I think it is vital for us to do so I do it.

Sara said...

Got mine in the mail today. I filled out the important information like how many people, how many male adults, male children and female adults. That's all they need to know.

They don't need your name, phone number ethnicity or race. And if they don't like it I have two words for them...Sorry WWE is on. :)