We Did It! Well...Sort Of...
Today was the big day. Emily started her first day of daycare today. She is at the same place as her big brother, Tyler. She has started at a younger age than the other two children did. The other two stayed with Memaw for a big part of their lives before moving to a daycare. This time Emily was with me up until now (1 year old). Since we own our own business, she's been coming to the office with me since she was only a couple of weeks old. Now that she is walking, she is not satisfied being in her playpen or a walker. It's not fair to keep her there either. So, we've opted to put her in a daycare. I struggled with this decision all weekend. I have had my doubts about taking away the security of her bottle and paci before such a change in her life. She did well this weekend without them. She slept all night, in the comforts of her own mattresses.
I dropped her off this morning and she did not cry (while I was there). I cannot say the same for myself. I did cry, but I kept it together and didn't completely melt down due to the fact that I still had Shelby (my 1st grader) in the van. She did say that it was weird looking in the van and not seeing Emily in there. I asked her if she was trying to make me cry. She just smiled.
The daycare just called and asked if she had a bottle or paci. I told her that she was not taking one now. She said, okay. I asked if she was okay and she said that she was fine, she's just going to need some time to adjust. She did not cry when I first left, it was when she realized that I was not coming back, I guess that made it tough on her. I'm sure tomorrow will be the hardest, because she will know what is going on. Now, I am crying...now I am a mess. I have butterflies in my tummy and I'm worried that my baby girl will cry all day longing for her mommy. I just want to go scoop her up and smother her in kisses. That's what's best for me, but not her. I know she's in good hands, just sad that she's not in mine.
6 comments, add yours here:
I know my daughter struggles with the same thing.
An Arkies Musings
Mommy's have to be big girls too. :) It sounds tough. They grow so fast. But they'll love you forever 'cause you're an awesome mom.
OMG it's so hard - I remember the feelings well. I'm sure Emily will be fine, they always are. I think it's harder on Mum's than the children really. :(
Hugs, Momma! You did the right thing.
no one ever said Mommyhood wasn't going to be semi-tough.
I seem to remember being a little sad when my two year old...after crying the first two days...just smiled at the nursery school teacher and waved good bye to me...
sending you hugs...good luck tomorrow!
Awwww...you know she'll adjust and be just fine. And so will you.
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