Looking at the Sky on Friday (In Memory)

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so says
Crazy Working Mom
6:00 PM
Labels: LATSOF, Looking at the sky on Friday, meme, Sky, sky photos
12 comments, add yours here:
Nice sky, the clouds are dark and nearly stormy. Yet any blue in the sky says fine weather, despite the gray. A nice day we see, and are happy for that!
I love the different colors of the clouds!
I'm playing this week...but not by the rules.
Great shot! Been longing for blues skies, it's been really cloudy the whole week.
wow--love all the texture of those clouds!
Love the textured tippy-top of the tree against the clouds. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Tink *~*~*
The spirit of generosity on Sanibel Island
What a gorgeous picture! It sure makes you so grateful.
Happy Friday to you, too, Tish!
Mine is now up. :)
I wish you nothing but blue skies....
You've had a big week, with Emily in preschool and Tyler keeping you on your toes - you and Brien deserve a s-l-o-w, relaxing weekend. Well, I know YOU do!
Gorgeous Clouds and the color of that sky is amazing.
Calico Contemplations
Nice sky and appreciate the extra sky for remembering today.
Absolutely gorgeous skies!
Thanks for sharing this!
Those skies are absolutely amazing. When I look at other people's pictures I sometimes think I need a better camera. :)
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