Monday Me Meme - Week 1

This is a brand new meme. All you have to do is give 5 answers to the question that is asked about yourself every Monday. Easy as Pie.
Go over and grab the code, sign Mr Linky and tell Jackie I sent ya. ;)
Go over and grab the code, sign Mr Linky and tell Jackie I sent ya. ;)
Here is the first question:
List 5 things that your spouse or significant other does that bugs the heck out of you. If you're single, then list 5 things that your employer, kid, or relative does that drives you crazy!
1. My husband leaves his shoes right in front of the couch where they land after he kicks them off.
2. When I trip over my husband's shoes that he leaves right in front of the couch it bugs the heck out of me.
3. Picking up husband's shoes days later when he's worn every pair in his closet and there are no more there because they are all piled up in front of the couch where he has kicked them off bugs the heck out of me.
4. Cleaning up the mud out of the floor that has loosened from hubby's shoes when they thud on the floor after he kicks them off in front of the couch where they land causing me to trip over them bugs the heck out of me.
5. Oh, and leaving the toilet seat up, that one's annoying too. *grin*
10 comments, add yours here:
[nods head]
I'm with ya sistuh!
AMEN! Why are mens shoes so big and dumb anyway?!
I love #3! LOL I can relate to that as well. Plus mine has a full garage and mudroom all to his own and it's STILL not enough! LOL
LOL!The last one is kinda general hon!Same prob here times 3 (soon will be times 4 when Eric starts going to the toilet by his own!)
My hubby is good about putting his shoes up, but whenever he makes anything to eat he always leaves a huge mess. Arghhhh!
After almost 35years of marriage and nagging MWM doesn't leave the toilet seat up anymore. ;)
I take it you are bugged that Brien kicks off his shoes and leaves them by the couch, right? *grin*
I'd say you're having an issue with
Has Brien read this ?
Problem in my house is hubman's neater than I am! Poor guy...
I'm listening to my husband snore right now. It's bugging the heck out of me.
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