One year ago today, as I was taking down my Christmas tree I felt overwhelmed with emotions. I felt like I had been so moody and irrational that I couldn't stand to be around myself. I felt out of touch with my family, especially my husband. We had a fight. My husband is very non-confrontational. He loaded up the kiddos and they went to McDonald's as I took down the Christmas decorations. It was much easier that way. After I finished packing up all of the decorations, I sat down in the middle of the living room floor feeling spent. I was emotionally drained. I had taken a pregnancy test two weeks prior. Having two children, I knew that the symptoms I had been experiencing were familiar territory. The test was negative, but something about that negative result was still weighing heavily on my mind. I had bought a double pack remembering that it was very common to get a false negative.
I gathered my composure from that living room floor and headed for the restroom. As I unwrapped that stick, I was contemplating the result that I knew in my heart was about to be revealed. In a matter of seconds, a positive sign crept across the small window and a small sigh of relief crept across my heart. I was happy to know that I wasn't going crazy and that the emotional roller coaster that I had been on for the last few weeks was that of a hormonal pregnant woman.
When Brien and the kids returned home, I apologized to my husband for my irrational behavior and told him that I had some news for him. He knew before I told him. He confessed that when I told him that I had a negative result from the first test that he had his doubts. We both admitted that we were shocked and a bit fearful. We were not planning on a third child. Our house was plenty large enough for our family at it's current size. Having another would mean doing some remodeling. Tyler was almost potty trained. We would have to go through all of this again. Diapers, formula, sleepless nights. We thought it was a thing of the past, but quickly realized that it was in our near future.Now here we are one year later and our family has come full circle. Emily Grace was a blessing for our family. I cannot imagine what we would do without her. Even though we had not planned on having Emily, she is the completing piece of our family. She is a pure joy in my life as well as the lives of her father and siblings. When she was born, I quit my job to go to work in the family business. I am now working for my husband. I am the office manager of his plumbing business and I could not be happier. I have more time to spend with my kids. I can go to field trips and class parties. Emily hangs out with me at the office while Shelby is at school and Tyler is at pre-school. We have come full circle. Things could not be better for us. If you would have told me last November that I would be writing this post today I would have told you that you were crazy. Now I realize that I am crazy and I love every minute of it!!!
15 comments, add yours here:
I can relate to this, Tish. My third was very unexpected. My husband(former) lost his job, then left me for a little hotty barkeep. It was a horrible pregnancy! I even lost weight...but, as things sometime do, we reconciled after her birth and she became one of our richest blessings!
I'm glad you have had such a wonderful blessing and that you're working with your husband. My folks did that and had an amazing marriage~
I have always believed that, no matter what the circumstances, a new baby is a welcome blessing - you just proved me right m'dear! :)
Awwwww!....I love this post!...A child is always a blessing....When I got preg of my 3rd child I went through an hurricane of feelings as well...And that was a planed pregnancy!...On the first 3 months my thoughts were like:"Am I doing the right thing?" "Will I manage to go through all that again?"
Turned out to be my best pregnancy!Everything went so perfectly!...And Eric is a little prince!...There is not a day that passes without him putting an huge smile on our faces!
And to be honest, I just can't wait to get preg again!...
We're just waiting that Eric grows up a bit more...
Hugs to you my friend!
what a beautiful happy ending!
smiles, bee
I loved your story! Just knowing that your making something precious calms all those hormones! She looks very sweet.
I am so happy for you Tish! And for that sweet, sweet family of yours! :)
Ok, Ok, this is a chick post but I must admit I read every word and thought it was wonderful. Everything comes out good in the end, have a wonderful life......
I was just thinking yesterday about all that's happened in my year - thank you so much for telling us the story of what happened in your year! Your baby girl is sooo cute :)
What a difference a year makes ;--)
Thanks for sharing your 'reflections' this morning.
Hugs and blessings,
Sometimes the things we expect the least are the things we need the most.
And of course you're crazy - that's why we love you!
Isn't it funny how thing all work out for the best?
Beautiful post Tisha! I hope next year will be as joyful as this year has been for you and your family.
How sweet a beautiful baby girl what a wonderful gift from God!
She looks precious sleeping there... love the babies
All good things for a reason, eh Tisha?
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