Togetherness In The Skies
Tomorrow will not only be a day of togetherness for those of us in the United States, but also for the brightest objects in the sky! After you fill yourself with turkey and dressing, go on ahead and top it off with some pumpkin pie, take a nap and get well rested. Tomorrow night Jupiter, Venus, and the moon will crowd around one another for an awesomely amazing group photo. By Monday, they will appear at two degrees apart. If you stretch your arm out in front of your face, that's about a finger's width. It should be a head turner and fortunately for those of us without the technology, it will be visible without binoculars or a telescope. I am looking forward to seeing this. It won't happen again until 2052, so get out and take a look.If you like to star gaze on any other night, maybe you should invest in refractor telescopes. is the place to shop for that celestial onlooker in your family. Just in time for the holidays, you can get free UPS shipping on qualified orders! That is a deal in itself for sure! With knowledgeable customer service and a wealth of product information they are the one stop shop for all of your optical needs.
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We saw this - it was gorgeous!!
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