Thursday, October 02, 2008

A Big Thank You

I would like to send a big THANK YOU to a new friend (and her mom). Laura from Camp Stanhope Happenings sent me an envelope loaded with boxtops for education! Shelby was so excited when we opened it and discovered that there were 88 box tops inside.
The generosity of bloggers far and wide never cease to amaze me! My husband told Shelby today, "Mom has the hook up, Shelby." Indeed I do! I have access to the greatest folks there are...BLOGGERS!!!
Thank you so much, Laura for taking the time to send those boxtops to us. We really do appreciate your kindness, and if anyone else has any of these precious items that you do not need or are just going to throw away, leave me a comment or shoot me an e-mail and I'd be glad to take them off your hands.

3 comments, add yours here:

Anonymous said...

If I get anything that has them I'll send them your way...I'm mainly a from-scratch cooker, so I don't use a lot of the product that have boxtops.

Heart of Rachel said...

That's a wonderful and generous gesture.

Camp Stanhope Happenings said...

I cut them off boxes of cereal and microwave popcorn. I'm surprised at some of the things the labels have been on, like paper towels and Zip lock plastic bags. There's a website to see what products have them. Here's the link.