Saturday, October 18, 2008

Big Brother Blues

As I put the curling iron to my hair, I heard an awful noise. It is one of those noises that a mother could hear even if there were a jack hammer being used right at her side. My youngest child was choking. I ran to her side and Tyler was already there. I grabbed her up from her seat and immediately began to pat her on the back thinking that she had just gotten choked on some spit up. At this time, I noticed something in her mouth. I inserted my finger into her tiny little mouth and out popped a Cocoa Puff. I looked over to her big brother who was holding a snack sized bag of Cocoa Puffs. Immediately he said that she didn't need to eat because she doesn't have any teeth. I tried to keep my cool as I explained to him the importance of not putting anything into her mouth other than her bottle or her pacifier because it could hurt her very badly.  I remember a cousin giving her baby brother a cracker when he was tiny.  I am sure that I probably gave my sister something I shouldn't have too and gave my mom a fright.  But, I could sure have gone without this one for sure. 

So, what kind of sibling horror stories do you have for me?!  What ELSE should I prepare myself for?  Yes, this is my third child, so you would think I'd be prepared for this sort of thing, but Shelby never did anything like this with Tyler.  She loved him, but she was not nearly as "involved" in things with him as Tyler is with Emily.  He just loves being with her, right beside her all of the time.  He's head over heels for his baby sister.  This is a good thing, right?!  *sigh*  Maybe I should get las vegas hotel reservations for she and I until she's 2, or big enough to fend for herself!

5 comments, add yours here:

Desert Songbird said...

You just need to nurture his adoration for his baby sister in other ways. He can help with feeding and changing and rocking; I think he understands now the "no stuff in mouth" thing, although one might appreciate the fact that he wanted to share with her. *shrug*

Unknown said...

It can get hard....the boys used to hide Micheyla in cupboards when she bothered them. She loved her rides on the lazy susan. Just include Tyler when you can but explain that some things are a no no. Good luck.

Mo and The Purries said...

I'd be willing to volunteer to shack up with you in Vegas for a couple of years.

I'm glad Tyler loves his baby sister. When my little sister came home from the hospital, I wanted her returned. I kept asking "Didn't you keep the receipt?"
Yes, it seems I was fated to work in retail!

Jess NBP said...

Gorgeous Eyes, first of all. BUT YIKES! Glad u handled it so calmly. I have two boys and lately they have been getting really rough with each other. They are 2 and 3, so you can probably see where MY fears will lie when my 2yr old gets a little fed up with my 3yr old picking on him so much.

HUGS he will learn and will remember.

katherine. said...

I came from a family like yours...girl/boy/girl...and I was the oldest.

when my little sister was about six, she was asked how she like being "the baby of the family" she replied...

"my sister cuts out the road...
my brother paves it....
and I just go skipping along."

at 42 years old...she is STILL spoiled