Thursday, August 21, 2008

Doctors, Hiccups, and the Remote Control

I went to the doctor today.  I did get one piece of good news.  I've lost 4 lbs since my last visit.  He asked what was going on and I told him that I didn't know why and I assured him that I was still eating well.  For instance, last night right before bed I couldn't decide on cookies and milk or pudding and milk so I had all three.  Today after the visit I also had some of Sonic's new fried ice cream.  It wasn't bad but not nearly as good as I had craved it to be either.  I'm sure by the time I made it to the bottom I found that extra four pounds, don't ya think?!  Maybe I should get some deep fried pickles tomorrow just to be sure.

I have not made any more progress toward delivery.  I am still the same as I was last week when I visited so we're scheduled for another office visit next Thursday which just so happens to be her "due date".  My doctor informed me today that I should remember that her due date is not a deadline just a projected time frame that is subject to change.  *LOL*  Thanks, Doc but remember this is #3 for me so my hopes are NOT up, but if the weather gets back up in the 100+ temps next week we'll be talking about inducing this little "projected time frame".  :)

Tonight as I was blog hopping the baby girl got the hiccups and I tried to get good video of it by putting the remote control on my belly.  I thought I would post it here and let you see for yourself that fetuses really do get them.  It is the strangest feeling when she has them and obviously it makes her very uncomfortable as well. Take a look:  (there is some sound, hubby was watching television)

I had a hard time getting a good angle on the remote from my view so Brien grabbed the camera and began to film.  By this time her hiccups had subsided and now she was angry that this strange object had invaded her space.  She kicked the remote control off my belly right before he began to film.  Take a watch at what happens next:

14 comments, add yours here:

Callie Ann said...

Wow, lucky you. My kids never moved that much.. Guess what I got to hear you voice... How cool was that. You have an accent just like my cousins from Texas..Love ya girl

Unknown said...

I think that is so cool!

I am so sorry that you're not dilated more!! I'm telling you sit on the ball WHILE you drink the tea! ;)

Anonymous said...

I love that TV changer trick--I have done that with all of my kids too. Baby #6 is starting to do that also and I love it. Have a great weekend.


Sarah said...

My youngest had the hiccups at least twice a day for the last 2 or 3 months. I hated it. but it was cool tho. Good video of the kicking.

Sandra Carvalho said...

That's the cutest thing ever!
Wow!What a strong legs she's got there!LOL!
Loved it!

Maggie Moo said...

WOW!!! Having never been prego myself I can't imagine what that feels like-and it's a little weird and a LOT amazing! She's a strong one!!!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

that was so fun to watch! well, since it wasn't me that is! ha ha ha (sorry!)

smiles, bee

Desert Songbird said...

Oooo, I remember those hiccup days. My daughter had them EVERY NIGHT.

(I recognize that Dish Network remote. They're all over my house.)

Linda said...

You can tell she's definitely a girl if she wants nothing to do with the remote control! Now if it were another boy, it never would have moved!

Travis Cody said...

My sister delivered her one and only baby exactly on her due date.

Dena said...

That was so cool. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Oh how I remember that feeling. Brilliant.

Mimi Lenox said...

Oh my gosh, the hiccups were amazing. I don't think that ever happened to me. WOW. And when the remote went flying...I laughed. Thanks for sharing! She has quite a little blog personality already!

Alexis Jacobs said...

What a cute video! makes me miss being pregnant. Enjoy your last few moments. It won't be long now!