She did it!
Yesterday was the big day. Shelby had her preschool graduation. My baby girl...*sniff* was so cute up there on stage performing her little dances, singing the songs, and walking across that big ole stage to get her "diploma". I cannot say the same thing for her momma, however! I was an emotional wreck as soon as I walked in the doors and saw the pictures they had of them in their little cap and gown. OMG, that's my little Shelby right there in that picture! :(
After they presented the children with their certificates they came down and sat in the front row of the facility (I was in the third row). Shelby was seated almost directly in front of me. The teacher had a slide show presentation for the parents. The song that began to play was "Let Them Be Little" by Billy Dean. As soon as the song began my emotions became overloaded and I began to sob uncontrollably! What in the hell is wrong with that crazy lady I could see people mouthing! I watched the slide show as best I could through red, tear stained eyes. The second song in the que was "I Hope You Dance" by Leann Womack. Talk about pulling at your heartstrings!!! I noticed Shelby watching me as I laughed and cried at the same time. I looked at her and smiled and then realized that she too had began to hysterically cry. Her teachers came over to her and was worried about her. I sank in my seat thinking that I caused my daughter to become inconsolable and now she'd be unable to finish the program. Thankfully they brought them back on stage for a few pictures and she was okay by the time they got there.
They took them back to the day care center and I told Shelby that I would meet her over there. When her father and I got there she began to cry again. She wanted to come to work with me. I told her she couldn't go to work with me, but Dad only had some running around that he needed to do so he agreed to take her with him. I asked her if she knew why I was crying. She said, "Because you're sad?" I told her that it was hard on mommy to see her baby girl growing up. I laughed as I told her I remembered my mom crying over "silly things" but now I understand why she did and that someday she too would understand why I am crying. She smiled and agreed.
It did make me realize that I am going to have to be composed when she starts school. I can't be that crazy, crying mommy on the first day of school. It'll be hard enough on her as it is without me being an emotional wreck. Picture this...a nine month pregnant mommy dropping her little girl off on the first day of school! *sigh* I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to get a prescription of Phentermine 37.5 mg or equivalent after this pregnancy, 'cause I'm already trying to eat away my heartbreak and anguish!!!

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she looks SO cute!!!
smiles, bee
That's a really cute photo...
You're normal - I'm not. I was always excited to see them start that next step. The only time I really got emotional was when my girls had their babies...
Don't be so hard on yourself, girl! You'll get through it and so will she. Mother's bonds just can't be broken.
Don't feel bad, Tisha. I think all moms get emotional about something; lots of times we just don't see it. It's normal to feel this way with the first one, especially.
Happy graduation!! :)
Congratulations to Shelby. Tears of joy on a special occasion is normal. The overwhelming joy is hard to control at times.
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