I signed up a little over a week ago for Entrecard. I had read a little bit of buzz about it and saw a few of my favorite bloggers with the widgets in their sidebar so I thought I would sign up and see what it was all about. I am really glad I did. So far I've bookmarked lots of sites that otherwise I might not have ever read. It does increase traffic to your blog as well. Mine has almost tripled just in the last week. I am always glad to see new folks dropping by. If you're here via Entrecard, I'm leaving Mr Linky for you today. I return all drops as well. But, this will be free linky love for all of my Entrecard visitors. I do hope you'll come back. If I'm not on your favorites, what are you waiting for?! Do it now. Click on the graphic below:

18 comments, add yours here:
I just joined last month, and can't believe the amount of blogs I've found to enjoy. If it weren't for entrecard and linkreferral, I would have no clue how to find blogs of interest.
Great idea! I've been a member since before Christmas, and it's been a real traffic-booster.
I've been a member for quite awhile now, too and it's been the turning point for my blog.
I'm glad you found EntreCard and joined. Love the card you made, too.
The jury is still out for me on Entrecard. I get all kinds of wackos and I certainly do not return drops on them! Half the time I forget to drop, even on sights I enjoy daily, if I remember to log in! I don't have the kind of time (or OCD?) to just sit there and drop cards aimlessly.
One thing I wholeheartedly agree with you on is that I have discovered some wonderful blogs by browsing through the Entre Categories. It's sort of a yellow pages phone directory!
After you so kindly help me get up and running I've been addicted to.
I've been dropping and browsing.
I feel like I found a bunch of brand new blogs. Ones I didn't know existed.
I have a special tag for you over at my place x
By way i would love to add your link to my page on my blogroll if thats ok with you? Ill wait till i hear before i do just in case lol :)
I joined Entrecard almost 2 months ago, and it has been the best traffic booster I have tried so far for my blog! Hope it works for you too!
Also Congratulations on your baby on the way!
hey, your having another baby, how lovely!!!! see look what happens when i dont go on my blog ppage for such along time,,,,,,,lovely news, just read your post about shelby saying fresh air out of but!!!!!!!! ha ha ha ha ha very amusing, i must try and say that to john(my boyfriend) when i trump next time,my excuses are im a vegetarian(rotten compost heap in my belly), im ill with ibs, well one thing is for sure it certainly aint fresh out of my bottom either!!!!
when is your due date for baby number 3????my friend has just had twin girls on sunday, not seen them yet, will give her a couple of weeks, she has a little boy too whos only 20months so she has her hands full!!!!!!!you take care and ill keep blogging this time, promise!!!!!!
xxxxxxxxxxH xxxxxx
You know Tisha your badge is gorgeous. You should make it into a link badge for people to put on their site.
I would love to have on my site too!
I have added your link to my site. Thanks for adding mine too :)
I'm lovin' it, too - added it after your post about what entre card was, so THANKS!
You are one of my favorites. Now if I could just get enough credits to buy an ad on your blog. Have a great day Tisha. :)
I joined a few weeks ago and so far so good. Thanks for the link!!!
I think I like Mr. Linky.
I love the Idea with the Linky! I'm glad I signed up for entrecard as well. I get much more exposure this way! Keep it up!
Great idea about the Linky. I have applied for an ad on your site, hope you'll approve it :) Great blog!
Oh my god, my own sister commented on your blog and she doesn't on mine, what a cow :)
It has its down side like the ones that drop and run, but i do that too.
It has in fact made me comment more as I cant drop cards from the feed reader :)
Ladies, there is an even easier way to discover a lot of other mom sites. i'm enjoying the widget from blogupp.com, and actually do nothing (no dropping or forced clicking) while I'm finding out new related blogs and mine is being promoted automatically.
just check it yourself, and you'll love it
I signed up a few weeks ago but I really haven't had the time to play with it much. From the comments though it sounds like everyone likes it
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