Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Peanut 3.0 Update

I visited the doctor today. We're at the halfway point in this pregnancy. So far everything is going well. The baby is growing as well as myself. :) The doctor mentioned the gender of the baby and fortunately I was able to go back and let the ultrasound tech take a peek. Unfortunately Brien was not in attendance for the big reveal but none the less he was excited when he got the call. So, now I guess you wanna know, right??? Boy or girl??? Well...
If you're like me you just have to take the tech's word for it, but she said that this is "the" shot and it is most definitely a little girl. This was the old fashioned 2D shot, but she also clicked over and gave us a 3D shot. Unfortunately the print out cut off the top part, but it still is a cool shot of her little face. So, here's the big reveal of Peanut 3.0:

I see a future blogger, don't you?!

13 comments, add yours here:

Kara said...

Congrats!!! how fun :) I hope some of those girl vibes rub off on me lol :D

Deb said...

Oh congratulations! Little girls are so much fun! :)

Heart of Rachel said...

Congratulations! It must be very exciting to expect another girl in the family. That's a wonderful 3D shot.

RW said...

Thats so awesome Tish congratulations!! Wow that 3D is so detailed!!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

SHE is beautiful!!! oh my gosh how things have changed! congratulations honey....

smiles, bee

Unknown said...

Another precious princess in the world, she is going to be adorable just like mom and big sis.

Sandee said...

Peanut 3.0 is a girl. Yay! How wonderful for you Tisha. Yes, I do see a future blogger. Mommy will teach her how. Have a great day. :)

Desert Songbird said...

Yay! Shelby will love having a baby sister; not sure about Tyler???

Linda said...

I would have to take the technician's word myself as I just don't see the things that they do but either way - congratulations! Start thinking of names!

Anonymous said...

WOOOOOOOOOO!!! I´m so happy for you! She´s soooooo cute. I absolutely LOVE the 3D photo. Such a cute face!

Thank you so much for sharing with us!


Rebecca said...

She looks like the other two!!! How neat. I love it.

Crunchy Carpets said...

How exciting!!!!

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

Congratulations!!!!!! She's beautiful!!