
I just signed up for Entrecard. To be honest, I have no idea what I am doing. I have noticed a lot of my favorite bloggers have these widgets in their sidebar so I thought I might as well join up myself. I'm trying to figure out how to earn credits and such. If you're an Entrecard member, drop me a comment and let me know what the heck I'm doing!
14 comments, add yours here:
I signed up several months ago and I've been getting more visitors. It's a good exposure for our blogs and a nice way to meet new bloggers.
You get more credits by dropping your card on other people's sites. The more credits you have, the more ad space you can buy to advertise your blog on other sites.
I've thought about it since I've seen it everywhere. Can't decide...
hi there =) first of all welcome to entrecard! i've been using it for some time and it has boosted my site's traffic. you also get to meet a lot of people with the same interest as yours. To get regular droppers or visitors i suggest dropping cards on those who dropped their card to yours. you can see that in the dashboard page on the inbox tab. hope this helps and enjoy =)
hi! welcome to entrecard. i signed up a few weeks ago and was overwhelmed with the traffic i'm getting.
see you around :)
Entrecard is a great way to generate traffic. Just sign into entrecard and then while visiting other blogs go to their widget and click "Drop". I drops your card and gives you a credit. Thanks for stopping by my blog. :o)
Welcome to Entrecard!
Like many things in life - you get out of it what you put into it.
The more you drop, the more credits you earn, and the more people come and drop in your widget.
Good to know that even with hubby out of town you can get a drop in your widget, eh?
Let me know if you have any questions!
Looks like everyone has given you an answer already lol.
I tend to get my credits when people want to advertise on my blog, and then if i havent enough to buy an advert ill do a few 'drops' on peoples blogs. they always give you a point each time.
But people are right it gets you loads of traffic so it's all good.
Thanks for popping by my place :)
Welcome and I'm glad EC brought you over to my site! I agree with the statement "you get out of it what you put into it". The best thing you can do if you want to draw people to your site is to drop on them. Most of the more popular EC sites return drop. You earn for dropping and for those that are dropped on you.
LOL! It took me awhile to figure it out also.
You have a great blog. I will be back!
I'm so glad you asked this. I was wondering myself!
Hey Tish!
I signed up for this awhile back, too, and I still haven't figured it out but that's par for the course! It really has been a great way to read some other blogs that I wouldn't have found otherwise but, to be perfectly honest, I barely have time to read my regulars so don't cruise new ones too often!
I hope you are doing great after joining. Thanks for dropping by and hope to see you again
I've been glad that I joined - I've found quite a few new blogs and have noticed an increase in traffic to mine as well. And it's fairly easy to use as much or as little as you want to. :)
Thanks so much for the recommendation!
I too just put the widget on my blog. It seems like a good way to check out other blogs you might not otherwise find.
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