Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Thank you to Sandee of Comedy Plus for this award:
I'd like to pass it along to:
Dayngr from Dayngrous Discourse
Josh at Gabbatha
Mo at Captured by Gravity

Thank you to Rachel from
Heart of Rachel for this award:
My picks for this one are:
Linda from Are We There Yet?
For the love...A Mamma's Mantra
at Everything and Nothing

Thank you to The Teach from Work of the Poet for this Circle of Friends award:
This is for my circle of pregnant friends:
Sanni @ Coffee 2 Go
Kara @ Rambling Mom
Twisted Cinderella @ Ever After...My Way
& newly announced into our club:
Bridget of And Miles To Go

Thank you for these awards. I am always proud to receive them. I am proud to pass them along to my fellow blogging buddies. Congrats to my friend Bridget for her newly announced pregnancy and finally getting moved into her new home. Welcome back to the bloggosphere, Bridget!!! You've been missed.

****I'm reposting this b/c for some reason the images were not showing up so I reloaded them through blogger and now I hope all of the recipients can see them! Congrats to you all.****

8 comments, add yours here:

Akelamalu said...

Oooh I see my name there - thankyou for the award, but I can't see the award honey. x

Anonymous said...

Awww, Tish. You're a great friend. Best wishes to you and yours!

Thanks so much *blush*.

Kara said...

Aw thanks Tish! You are so sweet :)

Sandee said...

Thanks for playing along Tisha. It is great news about Bridget isn't it. She is just the nicest. Have a great day. :)

Heart of Rachel said...

You're very welcome Tisha. Take care.

For the Love... said...

Wow! Thanks so much, the perfect thing to wake up to on a Monday!

Linda said...

Well, considering I can't SEE anything there I'm going to guess that it's whatever award it's linked to over on Heart of Rachel - at least I hope that's the case!

Thank you so very much for thinking of me and I love all the pink baby things in your post up above!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, girlfriend! I´ll display the award proudly! =)