Wednesday, January 09, 2008's over rated, right?!

Last night was one of those nights I wish I had one of those adjustable beds. Tyler, who is 2 woke up after a bad dream and said he wanted to sleep with me. I was tired and it was storming outside, so I half way figured he wouldn't go back to sleep anyway due to his fear of storms. So, I brought him to our King Sized bed. Well, by the end of the night, hubby was on the edge of his side and I was on the edge of mine. Tyler had free range of the rest of the bed, rolling back and forth and kicking like a mule! Needless to say I am exhausted today and the dreary, stormy weather isn't helping my cause any. I am ready for bed now so I can catch up on that lost sleep from last night!

2 comments, add yours here:

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

Sleep not over rated. Need sleep. Sleep good.

K.T. is Mommatude said...

Right there with you-my six year old daughter kept me up last night-various reasons....I really should go back to bed-LOL