Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thursday Blog Hopping

Did you guys go visit Penelope Ann a/k/a "The Sassy One" at
The Cafe at the End of the Universe today? Her Thursday Thirteen was a very unique entry. A Thursday Thirteen Christmas Tale Twas The Thirteenth Night Before Christmas. Within this story you will find mention of 13 contributors to Thursday Thirteen, and the story will contain the 13th line from their most recent blog posts. Yours truly has a starring role in this post! There are also some of my favorite reads included in this Thursday Thirteen post. If you didn't visit today, go over and do so. This is an awesome idea that I'm thinking of stealing borrowing. ;)

2 comments, add yours here:

Linda said...

Wow! She did a great job on that one! I bet it took her awhile to put together, too. Congrats on your "starring role"!

Unknown said...

Aw shucks thank you, that is so sweet!
It took around two hours to compile the post but I enjoyed doing it.
Was an interesting writing challenge for myself too.