Wednesday, November 07, 2007

November is Alzheimer's Awareness Month

When I graduated from High School, I was working at the Sonic Drive In located in my home town. I quit to help my boyfriend's mother (now my mother in law) take care of her aging mother. She had to move her into their home because she had the early signs of Alzheimers. At first the job was nice. She was a wonderful lady and I really enjoyed staying with her. She quilted and it was so amazing to watch her cut those tiny squares and make them into beautiful quilts. But, as this horrible disease began to take over she went down hill quickly. It started out that she didn't know who her daughter was. My mother in law was her only daughter AND the youngest child. They were very close and I must say this was one of the most difficult parts of this illness. It was terrible to see the hurt on her face as she watched her mother's eyes lose that knowing and loving gaze along with her memory. She would stare off into space because she knew nothing of who she was and most importantly where she was. She was by far one of the nicest ladies that I have ever met in my life. She raised three lovely children and to see her personality go from the sweet, loving, and kind lady that we all knew to the exact opposite was heart wrenching. I watched my Mother in Law break down many times because she just wanted her mother back. But, my friends the sad part of this story is that there is no cure for this terrible illness.

November is Alzheimer awareness month. Now is the time to become aware of this horrible brain debilitating disease. If you have time, please take a look into donating to this worthy cause. It would make a lovely holiday gift in memory of someone special. If you go to this website, you can also find some tips on successful aging. We have to keep our mind just as fit as our bodies to keep this disease at bay!

1 comments, add yours here:

Desert Songbird said...

November is also Pulmonary Hypertension awareness month, and while it is a horrible disease, it does not rob a person of dignity and loved ones the way Alzheimer's does. I'm sorry for your family, Tisha. What a sad, sad way for someone to die - tragic for those left behind.