Friday's Feast

What is your favorite carnival/amusement park ride?

How do you react in uncomfortable social situations?

On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you enjoy discussing deep, philosophical topics?

Did you get a flu shot this year? If not, do you plan to?

Approximately how many hours per week do you spend watching television?

1. meowminx 2. Dallas >^^< Meow | 3. Matt-Man 4. Ginafish | 5. SargeCharlie 6. Amazing Gracie |
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8 comments, add yours here:
I love rollercoasters! ^_^
Am scared of needles too, but strange enough I'd rather have a blood test than an injection.
My feast is up here.
Have a fab weekend!
We have the same taste in appetizers and soup. Have a good weekend and Cheers!!
You like having the pee scared out of you on a roller coaster but won't get a teeny tiny flu shot?? I'm just the opposite. Needles don't scare me at all, but the thought of sitting on a roller coaster, Eck!
30+? Dang girl, that's a lot of TV! I don't think there are 30 hours worth of shows on that I'd want to watch but I do have some favorites that I hate to miss like "Cold Case" and "The Closer".
And I love rollercoasters, too, but my back doesn't anymore. ;-(
excellent answers except for the flu shot, not worth the risk to skip that.
Hi Tisha. I didn't do my FF but I always enjoy reading yours. I'm afraid of heights but I always try to be brave and not miss out on the fun by trying out all the rides.
I didn't get my flu shot but I made sure my son did.
I used to love the fast rides! The faster, the better, but my neck won't let me participate any longer. Dang!
Great feast - I love the way you always take the time to use photos...
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