Monday, October 29, 2007


I had the strangest dream last night. My mother was in need of two teeth. *LOL* Oh, wait it gets even more strange. I went to a doctor and they were going to do work on my teeth for me to remove two teeth so that I could donate them to my mother. I went through the surgery and I remember my mouth being really swollen and I could feel two teeth on the bottom back behind where my other teeth were. The dentist had extended my teeth out farther and somehow made my teeth appear wider. He was going to pull the other teeth when the swelling went down at a time when both of us could be there to transplant from one mouth to the other! Isn't this the craziest thing you've ever heard? I remember the nurse telling me to lie down with a warm pack on my stomach because the procedure that they'd performed on my generally causes some strain on the kidneys. Later on as they were getting my discharge papers together, my teeth started falling out of my mouth. I just remember them feeling loose and I put my hand up to my mouth and they started falling out. I ran to the nurse and she informed me that they'd done an extended procedure while they had me under that would whiten my teeth. She pointed to a machine that looked like it was used for plasma cutting. This was the shell that they'd put on my teeth and it was falling off. Sure enough I went to look at my teeth in the mirror and they were pearly white. Does anyone do dream analyzing? What could this possibly mean? It was odd. I woke up and felt of my mouth to make sure my teeth were all in tact and that I had all of my teeth. Whew! Thank goodness I did. Mom, you don't need any spare teeth do you?! Have you been having a toothache?

5 comments, add yours here:

Kara said...

I actually used to have dreams of my teeth falling out all the time. I read that it means you are either unhappy with how you look, or are actually afraid of your teeth falling out. For me I think it was both since I'm normally unhappy with how I look and have always had bad teeth.

Crazy Working Mom said...

Hmmm...very interesting Kara. I do dream quite frequently about my teeth falling out. I think I have a phobia! I just can't figure out the part about giving my mom two teeth?!

Amazing Gracie said...

Now you're on the Mags & Mo night time diet!!! That is really a strange one, for certain...

Anonymous said...

You gotta stop drinking those martinis before bed, girl!

LMAO xoxo

Akelamalu said...

I just looked up in my dreams interpreted book about teeth - Anything to do with teeth being - pulled, knocked out, replaced - not good I'm afraid.