Daycare & Friends
We're making some progress with Tyler. He's been going to daycare for a couple of months now. He has a little friend (the girl who bit him last week) there. When he sees her he says her name and gets really excited. So, this morning when we got there he saw her and when we got into the classroom she got there as we did. The teacher was giving her a pop tart and asked him if he wanted one. He grinned and said yes. I asked him if he wanted to sit next to her and eat his pop tart. He began to pull out a chair to sit beside her. I gracefully snuck out and thankfully this was the first morning to do so with no tears! :) Hurray for baby steps!
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Just found you through a TT.
I know just how you're feeling with the daycare! Our 2.5 year old has yet to have a morning drop off where he doesn't cry! Thank goodness it's my husband dropping off. ;)
Great Blog!
Are the baby steps for Mom or for Tyler or both?! Glad to hear that it's getting a little easier each day. Pretty soon he'll be running in ahead of you and crying when he has to leave!
I'm glad it's getting easier for both of you - leaving them at daycare when they're crying and upset is such a hard thing to do! Hugs.
Yay for no tears! J is 5 and in kindergarten now, but he had spells all the way up through pre-K where he'd just sob when I left. He got to where he was mostly fine and happy to run off with his buddies, but then something would set off a stretch of days where he'd cry and cling and howl, and those were miserable days. I can't tell you how many times I cried in the car after I left him like that. I hope Tyler is well on his way to making every morning a happy one!
That's a cute little story.
I love when they make friends. Its so cute to hear my daughter talk about all of her friends.
Awwwww, thats so sweet:) You've been tagged...come and see...
sweet...he's a lover not a
Yay! No Tyler tears = smiles for Momma!!!
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