Tuesday, September 11, 2007

We must never forget!!!

We must never forget the tragedy of September 11! Today, remember those lives lost on those planes, the firefighters, the policemen, the innocent men, women and children in those buildings! May their deaths never be forgotten!!!

15 comments, add yours here:

Anonymous said...

So unbelievable.... still to this day... six years later... :-(

katherine. said...

amen. and know that is probably isn't over yet.

Schmoop said...

Peace to all of the victims and their families. Amen!!

Karen said...

God bless America.

Everyday Healy said...

Yeah... 911 is a shocking heart breaking news for everyone in the world.Hardly forget... Thus, I always pray for world peace. May God bless us all.

Lee Ann aka Dixie said...


Sandee said...

The religion of PEACE. That's who did this... Well done Tisha. :(

Anonymous said...

we will never forget !!!

Akelamalu said...

No one will ever forget.

Anonymous said...

very powerful tribute, Tish.

Linda said...

I, for one, will never forget - ever.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

yeah what sandee said, peace religion my behind!

great post honey...

smiles, bee

Tawnya Shields said...

I haven't forgotten but according to Glenn Beck we need to get focused on not having another incident like this happen again. We are far from safe. I hope we all open our eyes and not become complacent. Which we haven't. It makes me mad that we are putting our children at risk by being too damn politically correct. I don't feel sad today. I feel damn mad. It should never have happened. :o(

Travis Cody said...

Well done my dear.

Amazing Gracie said...

I was SO disappointed in my neighborhood, which consists of mainly older folks - no flags! Ours was out - thought they'd get the hint!!!
THen our local paper printed "opinions" about the attention it gets every year. Some people had the GALL to say we overdo it on 911 and we should shelve the ceremonies. And it got worse...Guiliani is just "milking" it for political purposes - He was THERE!!! How many funerals did he attend??? And he sent the responders out on purpose in conditions that they shouldn't have been exposed to...Did he know that then???
And then you've got idiots like Rosie and Charlie Sheen who swear we did it to ourselves. And how many insiders would that involve killing? You couldn't keep a plot like that quiet!!! No wonder my @(*$(*@# head hurts. I'm pissed!!!