Friday, September 14, 2007

Da Da Da DUMB!!!

Have you ever done something so dumb that you want to just slap yourself? Have you ever wished that you could just go back in time...get back five or ten minutes?! Well, today has been one of those days for me! I was headed to San Destin, Florida for a spa weekend. I am staying at The Hilton and work is paying for everything. I have been looking forward to this weekend for a while now. This morning I got up early. I did hit snooze a couple of times. I ended up getting to the airport at 25 minutes 'till my flight began boarding. You have to be here 30 minutes beforehand to get through security. I am usually no later than one hour early. But, this morning time just slipped away. Traffic was a bit heavier than I expected...I had a hard time finding a parking spot. Those few minutes made me late! I'm very rarely late for anything. So, that aggravates me more than anything. I got a boarding pass for a noon flight (which is what time I should've arrived in Florida). It cost me $25 for being late. When I went to board the plane, they informed me that I was just a stand by passenger and that I was not going to get on this flight because it was full. For $100 more I could for sure get ticketed for a 5:00 flight. This will put me getting to my final destination around 9. So, needless to say 10 hours and $125 later I hope to be on my way to Florida...AGAIN! *sigh*

9 comments, add yours here:

Lee Ann aka Dixie said...

Have a safe trip... Have a great weekend!


Linda said...

I sure hope you're on your way to Florida at long last as I write this. Darned good thing you took your laptop as you would have been sitting in the airport with all that quality blogging time and no computer to do it with!

I sure hope you have a wonderful time once you get down there. Best wishes for the rest of the weekend being fantastic!

Unknown said...

WOW! Wishing you a veeeery relaxing weekend, sweets.

Come back safe and sound and relaxed.


Mimi Lenox said...

Sorry for the airport troubles but hope you have a wonderful trip and RELAX.....

ShannanB said...

I hope you make it. We vacation in Destin during the off season and really enjoy it down there.

Akelamalu said...

Oh crikey, that 5 minutes cost you an awful lot!

Jackie said...

Have a fantastic weekend!!! I would LOVE a spa getaway!!! Can't wait to hear about it upon your return. :)

Shaz said...

Hope you had fun after that little adventure x

Unknown said...

*Looking around* OK, Tish is gone. Guess there were no more troubles... hope the weekend is even more relaxing after this start.