Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

My 29th


31 comments, add yours here:

Anonymous said...

Who is that? She has some kickin' boots on!!

Anonymous said...

Those boys have been rocketed into premature puberty by this performance!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

ha ha, that reminds me of taking a young grandson to a show on a cruise and sitting too close up front, and boy honey he got an eye full! ha ha ha

smiles, bee

Bernie said...

Ok, so where does the line end, I want to get on it!!!

Great photo, ours is up as well, so stop by and check it out...

ZAM said...

wow! is that you?

Sandee said...

What are those boys looking at? Bridget is right, those are some kickin' boots. Have a great WW. :)


Does she have anything underneath? (Lol). Look at all those young boys. Mine's up too.

Anonymous said...

OH, my goodness... hahaha. Happy WW!

Amazing Gracie said...

Our younguns' really need more exposure, don't they? They know more at this age than I did when I got married, and honey, I ain't kidding!!!

Michelle said...

Can we say wardrobe malfunction?!?!?!

Aldon Hynes said...

Was that at a sex education class?

Ingrid said...

That's an old remake, lol ! I used to wear these skirts and boots in the 60th ! Be assured not today anymore !

Ian said...

"Mom! Mom! We totally had the BEST ASSEMBLY EVER today!"


Anonymous said...

HOw sad. She needs a bigger dress...

Anonymous said...

Is this really necessary? I mean that clothes!! and why the audience are all males?

Shaz said...

She made some little boys very happy by the looks on their faces. Who is she & please say it's not a school performance!

Mike Minzes said...

OMG, OMG, OMG!!! Boyz will be boyz!!

Shana said...

LOL (for real) Funny picture!!!

Happy WW!!!

Andree said...

A teacher, right?
Oh my god.

Maggie Moo said...

Yeah...that's one assembly they'll never forget!

Shelby said...

what th'heck?! you must explain :)

Cheryl Wray said...

LOL!!! That is hilarious!!

CableGirl said...

Well,those boys got more of a show than anyone bargained for, I bet. lol

Happy WW

Lee Ann aka Dixie said...

OH. MY. MY. MY.... those littel boys learned something real quick.. ;-)

Lori said...

Yikes....I think the skirt is a bit to short for the young ones;)

Deb said...

Now that's a short skirt, wow!

Happy WW!

katherine. said...

no camera phones?

c' can't remain wordless on this

Mo and The Purries said...

you look so hot in your new boots!


Not So Anonymous Michelle said...

There has got to be some words for this gotta give more info! HAHAHA! Those boys are in heaven I imagine! haha

Lisa R Charles said...

Hmmm, don't think that's a good impression for those young boys.

I love her dress though!

Happy WW!!

Thea @ It's Me Vs. Me said...

LOL! That just became the best day of those kids lives...