Monday, August 20, 2007

Manic Monday

This Week's Theme: Deal

Things I find difficult to DEAL with:

1. People talking on their cell phones in public, especially at a doctor's office, or small confined spaces where you are forced to listen to the conversation.

2. Whiny children...especially my own!

3. People talking on their cell phones when they should be ordering their food, paying the cashier, or otherwise talking to someone else who is standing in front of them.

4. Hubby emptying the tea jug and leaving it on the bar as though it will magically refill itself!

5. People talking on their cell phone when they should be driving. There are some people who shouldn't have driver's licenses in the first place, but to give them a cell phone AND a driver's's just plain wrong!

6. People lame using excuses for the way their lives turn out, blaming everyone but themselves for their failures.

7. People with call tones on their phone. Most of the time you can't even understand the damn song, but if it is one that you like, about the time you realize what the song is and begin to enjoy it, they answer!

8. This damn hot weather!

9. When I answer the phone at work with the big long spill that they make me say and then someone asks...ummm, yeah, who is this? I repeat my name and they ask if it is the company I just said in my big long spill?! Uhhh...Yeah!

10. Mean people...bullies, no matter what the age.

11. Music on blogs. Sorry if this offends, but if I wanna listen to it I'll click on it. I HATE to open up a blog and be blasted with sound. Lots of times I am surfing when the kids are in bed or at work (Sssshhh!) so music is a nuisance in those cases.

12. Tail gaters, people that don't pay attention at stop lights, people that drive slow in the passing lane and block traffic, and aggressive drivers!

13. Candy ass "fake" people!

...gosh, I think this list could go on and on, actually! But, I don't want to give you too much to DEAL with right now. Can you DEAL with signing Mr Linky if you're playing along so I can see what I'm dealing with!?!

33 comments, add yours here:

Desert Songbird said...

Um, hey Tish - did you have some bad experiences with people and their cell phones this week? Dang girl!

Anonymous said...

I agree on a lot of them, especially #13. hmm, you have a love/hate relationship with cell phones, don't you? :) a great list and lots to "deal" with! Have a great week

Ian said...

Hehe. It's like a Monday Thirteen.


Callie Ann said...

Hey girl, It finally rained in Oregon. So i got a half day off. So I am visiting my favorite people. Feels kind of odd to blog. Your right thou. Nothing worse than Candy Ass fake people. Hee hee

Ingrid said...

Leak on inspiration ? You did a Monday Thirteen, lol ! But I very much agree to your n°6 I can't stand those people too always to complain and just doing nothing.

Anonymous said...

LMAO! I hope you can DEAL with me laughing. I don't mean to be rude, but wow, you sure have a list of "stuff" here. I agree with a lot of it too.

Come on over and see what's the DEAL at my blog today.

Anonymous said...

BARK, bark, bark! Oppsss... Mom just told me to shut up... that you don't need to DEAL with my noise and excitement. That's big list you got.

Come see what a dog DEALS with.

Lynn said...

I have not played along Manic Monday yet but I can relate with your list of things that you find difficult to deal with. May I say you have a lot about phones. I'm quite guilty of #3 because there are times an important call is so wrong timing. #13 is really something I'd rather not deal with but leave alone as I've no patience with 'candy ass fake people'. Haha!

Akelamalu said...

I can go with most of those but especially #5. It's illegal to talk on a phone whilst driving here but it doesn't stop people doing it! Grrrrrr

Carrie said...

Me and #12 have a looong history together.. I had someone riding my butt to work AGAIN today.. even though it was dark and pouring rain. I can hardly see the road, and you're going to try to push me to work?? Crazy people.

Schmoop said...

I dont think there is anything here I can disagree with other than the fact that your husband never left me tea-less. Cheers!!

Odat said...

those cell phone things drive me nuts too...
Warning: don't read my blog today...I have music that plays when you open!

Odat said...

those cell phone things drive me nuts too...
Warning: don't read my blog today...I have music that plays when you open!

Mo and The Purries said...

#1, 3, 5, 7 = yep, they make me mad, too. Add in "movie theatres" to inappropriate places for cell phones - don't these people know how to turn their ringers into the OFF positions?

#4: You need a magic tea jug! Oh, wait, hubby apparently thinks you already have one!

#8: We've actually got a break in the heat, and it's cooly delicious.

#9: Yep. Totally relate.

#13: LOL. You go, girl!

Shelby said...

those people that talk on their cell phones with the ear thing - and you don't know they're not talking to you.. ARrrrrghhhhhhhh!!!

yes- and whiny kids! Oh dear. I'm so pitiful at mommying sometimes.

Sandee said...

I take it you are not a fan of cell phones in public places. I'm with you on this one. Terrible. Great MM. :)

Michele said...

Working in retail, I get the cell phone scenario ALL the time and it's annoying as hell! They'll ask me to get them a particular item... I go to retrieve it, bring it back and I'll have to stand in front of them while they finish up a call on their cell phone... now I just drop the item at their feet and go help another customer... I won't cater to them while they talk on their phones. Grrrrr..... rude.

Anonymous said...

i learned something to put my music off. to prepare you when you come over on my blog. lol!

nice header!

happy monday

Lee Ann aka Dixie said...

Yup, yup and yup to all 13... excellent post!


Sophia said...

Ok, I'll leave a comment as soon as I finish my cell phone conversation! LOL..I'm kidding, I feel exactly the same way! And the answering the phone with the big spill thing, OMG I want to reach through the receiver and strangle those people!!!!!! Happy MM!!!!

Tawnya Shields said...

I am with you on all of those. It sounds like you dislike bad cell phone manners like I do. They are so damn annoying and is bey far creating a more rude society.

Candy ass fake people. Yep, I do not care for those either. I stay clear of those. :o)

Mike Minzes said...

Great list!!! All of those ar eon mine too.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

fake candy assed people make me ill! love this post!!!

smiles, bee

Stine said...

Yeah - cell phones annoy me too - I have one, but I only answer if it suits me, and never if I'm talking to someone or driving... (I'm one of those people who got their licence in the mail anyway!!!)

bundle-o-contradictions said...

Yes, yes, yes, yes & YES! I'm there with you!

Travis Cody said...

I notice a recurring them with phones. I can report that I do none of these things with my cell phone.

I have solved #9 by answering the phone with "This is Travis", both at work and on my personal phone. That way they know the party to whom they are speaking immediately.

Happy MM!

Linda said...

Do you think you can deal with being a winner over on my blog? Maybe that will make the rest of these things a little easier to deal with ... well, then again, maybe not as these are all pretty annoying things! Some more than others but all annoying!

Cheryl Wray said...

So you have a thing about cell phones, huh? LOL
I also hate empty jugs, cartons, etc. that someone else expects me to refill!!
I agree with you about the weather!ugh!!
And, oh no...forgive my music the next time you come to my blog! lol
Have a great Monday!

Lisa Ryan said...

I am with ya on SO many of those! Number 11 is a particular pet peeve of mine too. Happy Monday!

katherine. said...

okay....I might have been on the phone in front of you in line...maybe.

I hate candy ass people too...the fake ones AND the real ones....laughing...

Liz Hill said...

LOL--yeah cell phone rage sugar SMOOCH

Neila said...

I can definitely relate to most all of those!! And I love that you have issues with cell phones. I pretty much want to stun gun at least two people every day because of cell phone issues!

Durward Discussion said...

Still making the rounds of the Monday participants and I love, love, love your list particularly mean people, and thank you for the "music on blogs" one. This may seem strange coming from someone who regularly embeds You Tubes, but I figure it's someone's choice whether to listen or not.