Friday's Feast

Who is the easiest person for you to talk to?

If you could live in any ancient city during the height of the quality of its society and culture, which one would you choose?

What is the most exciting event you’ve ever witnessed?

Main Course:
If you were a celebrity, what would you do for a publicity stunt?

What do you consider the ideal age to have a first child?

11 comments, add yours here:
wow, we share many of the same answers this week. Love the pictures!! Have a great long and restful weekend with your family :)
This is great! I love the publicity stunt, hehe!
Happy Feast Day. I'm gonna steal your idea and say it with pictures next Friday.
He! My publicity stunt involved Mr. Cruise :) Great Southerners think similar. Ha!
I'm with you all the way on your answers. I think the mid twenties are the best. Finacially though the 30's would be better.
Athens Greece is a great choice. If I had done Friday Feast I would have picked something along those lines.
Giving birth to another human being is the ultimate experience. It is a amazing as soon as that little baby is out and screaming you forget all about the pain you just endured.
Have a safe and fun Labor Day weekend.
Agree with your salad :D Great feast!
Hey, thanks for stopping by Colloquium!
You've redesigned your site since I was here. I really like it. Very nice colors and layout!
We have some similar answers! Happy Friday!
So many people picked Greece as the place to go. I'm outnumbered! LOL!
Great feast, thanks for stopping by my own feast, too!
Have a good weekend.
What happened to Katie's tummy? That's great publicity I know but if that bulge is must be so heavy to carry around!
Great feast..similar to mine! Thanks for dropping by!
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