Friday, August 24, 2007

Conversations with Shelby

Around 5:30 this morning I was awakened by my daughter Shelby. She rarely wakes up until you make her get up in the mornings, so I thought it a bit odd. When I got to her room she was sitting up in her bed and the conversation began:

"What's the matter honey?" I asked her.

"I had a bad story in my sleep." She replied.

At this point, I knew I needed to just go ahead and get up or I would never want to get up in thirty minutes when I had the alarm set to wake up. But, against my better judgement I laid down beside her. She clung tightly to my arms as I enclosed them around her little body. I assured her that everything was okay and it was only a dream and that I was right there and she was okay. I asked her if she wanted to talk about it and she said no, not yet. I laid there with her for about 15 minutes and then when I got up, she sat up and proclaimed that she wanted to get up and watch television.
Fast forward about 45 minutes or better and we were all up and dressed and I asked her if she remembered her dream.

"You took me to school and when you started to leave, I was crying. You asked me why I was crying and I looked down and you forgot to put my pants on me. The other kids were laughing and you were laughing. You said you didn't have time to go get pants for me and I would just have to go without them for the day."

I began to laugh, "You had the 'go to school with no pants dream?!' We all have that dream, Shelby! I used to have those every night. I still have them sometimes. It's okay. I'd never take you out of the house without pants!"

She began to laugh, and when we got to school, I bent down and asked her if she wanted to take off her shorts and send them with me. She sheepishly grinned and said, "No Mommy!!!"

10 comments, add yours here:

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

awww, how sweet she is!

smiles, bee

katherine. said...

she's growing up!! what a sweetie...

Linda said...

Yep, that dream is enough to traumatize anyone! Glad she was able to laugh about it with you when you dropped her off!

Karen said...

Wow, it starts early. I didn't have that until high school. Poor thing.

Smalltown RN said...

what a wonderful story...thank you for sharing a part of her growing up with us....cheers...

Tawnya Shields said...

You handled that very well. Those are dreams we all hate having. :o)

Akelamalu said...

What a sweetie!

Odat said...

awww...a "bad story" in her dream!!
That is sooo precious!

Travis Cody said...

That's cute! I love the way she says "a bad story in my sleep".

Twisted Cinderella said...

OOooh how funny and sweet!!