Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Wordless Wednesday #22

My 22nd

If you are participating in this week's Wordless Wednesday
please don't forget to sign Mr Linky and head on over
to the WW Headquarters and sign there as well.
Don't foget to leave a comment.

28 comments, add yours here:

Crazy Working Mom said...

This is me with my only living grandparent at our family reunion on Saturday. It's my paternal grandfather.

Maggie Moo said...

Ok. You are just the cutest!

I can't stand it. You're adorable. That's a great shot of the two of you...

Monkey Giggles said...

How wonderful....great picture. have a great Wednesday

Anonymous said...

A beautiful photo!! Happy WW.

Pearls of Wisdom said...

Great picture Linda. Thanks for sharing and Happy WW.

Angel Mama ():)

Hanley Family said...

Great shot of you both. Thanks!

maiylah said...

lovely happy photo! :)

Enjoy your wednesday!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet pic, just in time for Father's Day!

Ingrid said...

You have a very sympathic grandpa !

Anonymous said...

Now that's a photo worth framing!

Callie Ann said...

I love this pic girl. A good one to Frame for sure. You look Awesome.

Anonymous said...

Ooh...how sweet...you must have this beautiful relationship with your grandparents...

Amazing Gracie said...

Tish, he's loving every minute of that, too...I think it is an adorable photo! You're very blessed.

Shaz said...

You both look so proud & happy. Happy WW to you & your Grandad x x

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

treasure him, how soon they are gone from us...

smiles, bee

The Minute Man: Colin Chang said...

Woo. He looks healthy! Hope he says that way for a long long time!

palmtreefanatic said...

beautiful picture! Happy WW!

Lazy Daisy said...

Awwww...aren't you cute! It's wonderful to be with family.

Nancy Lindquist-Liedel said...

Great Smiles!

Qtpies7 said...

Sweet picture!
The whole drinking urine thing freaked me out a bit, though, lol. yeah, I'll take the gray hair, thank you very much!

Sandee said...

What a wonderful shot of you and your grandpa. They are so special. Mine are all gone and I miss them. Happy WW. :)

Lori said...

Awwwwwwwww, great pic:)

Rayne said...

Fantastic photo. A definite keepsake.

the Book of Keira said...

Wow! Great picture of you and Gramps!!

Aldon Hynes said...

it is great to see a picture of you and your grandfather.

Mz Jackson said...

Oh, look at you two! You're so cute together. Happy WW.

Melanie said...

Great picture! It's wonderful that you are able to spend time with your grandfather!!

Neila said...

I hope you know how very very lucky you are that one of your grandparents is still living! What a wonderful blessing for you!!

Happy WW!