Thursday, May 03, 2007

X-Ray Time

I got a phone call today from the preschool that my daughter attends. The director told me that Shelby had gotten her finger caught in one of the doors to the outside and smashed it pretty hard. She said that it was really swollen and she thought maybe it was broken. I was very scared and immediately stormed outta work and then headed for the 5 minute drive. It seemed to take 30 minutes to get there, though for a scared mommy driving!!! When I arrived the director told me that it was looking better, they finally got her calmed down enough to get some ice on it and she still wanted me to look at it but she did not think it was broken. Well, when I walked into the room, she started crying and said that it hurt "really really bad". I didn't know whether or not it was broken. I have no medical training. I was just afraid that if I did not take her then it for sure wouldn't be. So, anyhow we went to visit her doctor. She got to get her hand X Rayed. She thought it was really cool. Turns out that it was not broken. Thank goodness. Here's a picture that I took while she was sleeping tonight. The swelling has really gone down since this afternoon. She also insisted on a Dora band aid when we got home!

4 comments, add yours here:

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh the poor little thing! yesterday my grandson was playing outside and ran (literally) into a parked car. sigh... never a dull moment with children!

smiles, bee

Barb said...

Phone calls from school are always SO scary! Poor little finger. I'm glad it wasn't broken. Give Shelby a kiss from her Auntie Skittles. :)

Shaz said...

De ja vu . . I had the same thing with my 12 year old a couple of weeks ago. That call makes you sick to your stomach. Hope she's feeling better soon & Mommy's stress levels even out x x

Travis Cody said...

Glad it turned out ok.