Monday, May 07, 2007

Manic Monday 14th Edition

This Week's Theme: Survive

This video was shot with my digital camera on my front porch this afternoon and I thought as I uploaded it onto my computer how cool is it that birds just SURVIVE when pushed outta the nest. Although this bird looks a bit old to just be pushed out of the nest, it seemed to have a bit of trouble flying. It made me think of how overprotective I am of my children and birds just push their babies out of the nest and their natural instinct teaches them to flap their little wings and begin their life out of the nest! How amazing is that!? Just think that if birds can SURVIVE, then so can we! I hope you all enjoyed this little home movie from my front porch.
If you're playing along this week, don't forget to sign Mr Linky
and head on over to the
MM Headquarters and sign there as well!!

23 comments, add yours here:

Anonymous said...

awesome video, and so appropriate! Enjoy your Monday!

Barb said...

The poor thing!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

great post!! congratulations on your originality!!!

smiles, bee

Neila said...

Great post, and a great video. It just goes to show you - when pushed, we can all survive!

Anonymous said...

We do cotton wool our kids a bit... when I was young, during the weekends our parents wouldn't see my brother and I until dinner time... couldn't imagine that happening now.

Ingrid said...

I agree with you ! animal mothers are the best, but when baby is a teenager (or twenty) they just kick their children out and are ready for the next lot ! I couldn't imagine that for myself, lol !
I also have a video .... (another style, lol!)

Anonymous said...

Kudos to you for being able to take and post a video! (I still need to learn that!)

Poor little birdie though!

Happy MM! :-)

Rebecca said...

Great MM. Well said and great video. *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Have fun in VEGAS. Remember their Motto...What happens there stays there...expect for your blog.

Sandee said...

Wow, this is great. I so love birds. We feed them and watch over our little ones.

Have a great time in Vegas :)

Mz Jackson said...

Okay, I'm here for my back scratchin;! ;)

That little bird sounds like he's saying: "Mom! Dad! Hey!"

Claire said...

Great video, have you seen the bird since?

Anndi said...

So.. second attempt at leaving a comment.

I've visited 4 blogs so far today that I'll have to come back to baceuse I can't see videos. Thanks for stopping by!

Happy 'I've gotta survive Monday' Monday.

Lisa Ryan said...

great original post! Happy MM!

Stine said...

Great video... Looks just like I felt at 18...
Happy MM!

Mo and The Purries said...

I think he was a bit directionally challenged at first, but he finally got it right and took off!
Happy MM!

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

My poor old computer just can't manage YouTube, but I enjoyed your writing. Birds are so cool.

Imma Survivor

Kendra said...

that's so precious! thanks for sharing that on this MM!

Unknown said...

Very well posted, Tish!
And yes, I enjoyed spending my Monday with the little birdie on your front porch ;)

Anonymous said...

I have been throwing my teenage son off the porch for 2 weeks now. He just gets up, climbs back into the nest and keeps eating. He don't act nothing like that. Am I doing this wrong?


Good Post.

Later Y'all

Tawnya Shields said...

Poor sweetie. Human children have no idea how lucky they are, do they? :o)

Travis Cody said...

That's a cool video. At first there's a little confusion. But once you get organized and find your bearings, you can figure out which way to go.

Amazing Gracie said...

Meloncutter...too funny!
Great video!